
Getting a raise to take it all. Still mourning juice boxes.

This better come down to “Long Summer Vacations” v “Short Summer Vacations w/booze”

Weeping for the defeat of Going to Bed Hella Early.

No, a book cannot cause someone to become gay. It might, however, help someone to internally acknowledge that they are gay, and thus have more self-acceptance, more self-esteem, and a greater sense of security.

I never comment on SNS but felt compelled after seeing your comment. I’ve been your friend A. The guy who harassed me also had a gf, that he ended up marrying actually, that was also in the friend group. I was dumped as the friend because everyone thought I was lying even though some people saw it with their own eyes.

Protect yourself. Prepare yourself. Document, document, document.

For what it’s worth, you absolutely made the right choice. Dude is a Missing Stair, and cutting him out was the most ethical thing you could do.

“All I know is this: I am almost 100% certain, that at some point in his life, L will rape someone.”

Today by Smashing Pumpkins was the wedding song for a mutual friend of my college roommate and I.

I’ve been to two weddings where the groom’s surname was Jones and both of them had their first dance to well-known adulterers’s anthem, Me and Mrs Jones. People. Do. Not. Listen.

And the people who dedicate Pearl Jam’s cover of Last Kiss to their sweetie on the radio. The girl dies. That’s the point.

Also- Every Breath You Take.

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

It’s about a guy who’s high as a fucking kite on drugs in the subway stalking someone else’s girlfriend

Y’know, like if she was wearing a short skirt. Or made eye contact with a dude. Or told him no. Or if he was really good at feetballs.

It’s great that this is being brought to light.

Let us all rejoice, but do not forget this bill failed, in large part, because IT WASN’T CRUEL ENOUGH to suit the needs of the far-right Freedumb Caucus nutjobs.

I swear to you there is a Mini Cooper in my town with the license plate NOTSOBR

I honestly don’t know, but I’m going to take today to enjoy 45's massive failure. Which I made sure to tweet to him and Ryan. 

Maybe not emojis, but some images still throw great shade...