
Because a lot of dudes literally don’t see or understand the full scope of the work as a result of socialization. Women see the unequal distribution of household labor because they’re the ones doing the work. It’s like how white people don’t see white privilege because they’re the ones with the privilege. People of

While I understand that it absolutely is a thing, I do not understand why so many men are seemingly unwilling or unable to go at least 50/50 on household chores and child rearing, and why so many women put up with/allow it. As a guy myself, this dynamic just seems ridiculous.

How Not to Add an Additional “Child” to Mother After You Become a Mother By Requiring Your Husband to Act Like a Grown-Ass Man

When I was a teenager, I got it in my head that I would have either a baby or a husband, but not both because that would be too much work.

How Not to Hate Your Husband

“We need more women, just because” is the kind of straw man that lazy thinkers use when they want to convince people that they don’t have to do any intellectual work. It’s not “just because”, and it never has been. Women buy and play video games, and are participating significantly in the economic market for video

Wtf? Passing as white doesn’t mean she needs to exclude her biracial, black-American heritage.

Ohhhh Tomi. Now you’re learning what all of us former “cool girls” learned: you are not, and will never be, exempt from misogyny.

She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

Yup. Let this be a learning lesson to fellow conservative women. Ms Lahren did everything right to be a cool girl, she was one of the ‘good ones.’ She stepped out of a line and all her bros went, “I don’t know her.”

Wow, the “Not Voting and Not Caring” contingent needs to make themselves known so we can fucking stone y’all

I was asked those questions in three separate clerkship interviews. They know it’s illegal. They also know there is virtually no recourse.

It should be pointed out, if it isn’t obvious, that it’s in fact illegal to ask women those types of questions in a job interview. So he’s not only an asshole, he lets his assholeness cloud reasonable judgement of the law.

Use the company for maternity benefits? He does realize that there are next to ZERO companies offering maternity benefits in this country right? Beside the right not to be fired for having to birth a human, and the government approved time off that I’m allowed, you know what I get from my company - ZIP. ZILCH. NADA.

Raise your hand if you’re SO tired of the bullshit.

Also they clog the toilets with their tampons, are known carriers of cooties, will go out of their way to make you feel bad for simple compliments about their tits, and I’m told some of them have teeth in their vaginas, am I right fellas?” - Something Neil Gorsuch, who I’m not certain has ever actually met a woman,

I can’t say this to anyone I know IRL yet. Yesterday my relationship ended, 4 months before the wedding. Because he doesn’t want to marry me anymore.