
Thanks for this write up; I think I will go check out the special. As the parent of a boy, I think a lot about how we expect boys to perform masculinity from a very young age, and because the dirty secret about machismo is that a man can never be masculine enough, many boys end up as men who are not just angry, but

Oh, God...this year’s presidential election is going to be a months-long argument between two out-of-touch old white men with checkered pasts and dementia, isn’t it?

The question is: Which demographic is likely to be willing to accept that they didn’t get their preferred candidate on the ballot, but go out and vote democrat in November nonetheless? The millions of Black American voters who prefer Biden, or the millions of 20-something year olds who prefer Bernie?

Here's the thing, if Bernie’s ability to inspire people to the polls was electorally decisive shouldn't it be carrying him to victory in the primary?

I’ve already seen them come out.
However, if Warren is spoiling Bernie’s votes, Bloomberg is most definitely spoiling Biden’s. If you take Warren’s and Bloomberg’s respective votes and allot them accordingly, Biden would have swept all but California I believe.

No. Joe exceeded your expectations.

I think the biggest problem with Bernie and to a lesser extent, Warren, is that they primarily appeal strongly to younger voters.

Bi or pan, throuple not couple- all of that is interesting to discuss but no one is asking the real question: is that woman’s name -Geli- pronounced like "jelly”? Am I missing another option? I didn't see the show and the only reason I want to is to find out the answer to this question.

How the hell does Carrie keep getting her jorb back! Why is the CIA/NSA so forgiving like she can’t be the only good agent, she’s not even good really. Also at what point this season will Saul be detained or captured and will we ever address that weird moment it’s implied F. Murray Abraham molested young Peter Quinn?

I agree with the waiting to adopt a stray idea (although I’d imagine it wouldn’t be official- can two felons legally adopt in IL?), but I wouldn’t mind part of their S11 story being Mickey remembering that he already has a child. I was waiting for that to come up in the conversation about kids, and it never did. I

Compared to other alcoholics on the show, Lip has been shown to be more responsible than others. I really enjoyed that he had a slip that involved him accepting a drink while vulnerable to a slip, and not actually ask for it himself and go back to how he behaved in the past. He fucked up and knew it and immediately

Lip’s current arc is such a waste because it would be easy to graft his history over it, but they’re choosing not to bother. Lip always had conflicting feelings over whether he should take advantage of easy routes to upward mobility. There’s also a lot to say about talented people who never got to fully spread their

I said to my wife that this felt like the best episode in years, with a tone that felt very much like earlier, less-lazy seasons. 90% of the writing shortcuts you mention dont occur to me during the show, but for a cold-weather Chicago day, there sure was a lot of daylight at the end of the reception.  Fun episode,

One thing I did like about Lip’s story this episode is that they showed him slipping without it ending in catastrophe. Alcoholism on TV usually breaks down to only two extremes - sober or trainwreck - ignoring the various stops along the spectrum between the two. An alcoholic is always an alcoholic, they should always

The unstated but obvious assumption here is No Kids.

I was diagnosed with mets dec 31st last week, after eight years cancer free. I know I should feel sorry for her, but I’m just scared for myself

Lara looks less like a wife Eric’s age and more like a mom standing next to her kid who was a product of junior prom night at a HoJo.

Honestly, if that the thing that destroys Twitter, I’m going to be both impressed and delighted.

“White people love separating families”

Okay, but did anyone else notice that Hannah Montana got the exact same tattoo??