
my wardrobe is almost strictly black, but i love stuff like this so yes, 100x over.

Yeah, I’ve been making a lot of fresh pasta recently and I just don’t see that huge of a difference for the hour that I put into it. 

People who love cooking are really bad at imagining there are people who don’t love cooking.

FLORIDA. There’s only one Florida and that’s the mom from Good Times. All the other Floridas are inferior to the immortal Esther Rolle.

Would I LIVE there? Absolutely not. But I would rent the room for a week and go wild on some shrooms. I’d probably end up drowning in that amazing tub.

When was the last time somebody straight up named their baby “Frank”?

Sudafed is his drug of choice, allegedly.

I go back and forth on that. I can see him drinking pills right from the bottle, but I can also see him being a Tom-Cruise-style scientologist type who thinks that any medicine is weakness. Especially the ones which have vaguely foreign-sounding names.

I am both surprised and not surprised that since she has conservative friends, she would eventually use conservative rhetorical bullshit to defend herself. They fucking INVENTED applying the “tolerating different beliefs” principle to literally ANY belief, no matter how abhorrent, amoral, or despicable.

So wait, in her defense of an indefensible friendship, she namechecks Jerry fucking Jones?! and that’s supposed to somehow make this better?

Everyone seems to have stopped reading after ‘great and unmatched wisdom’ and is ignoring the far more terrifying text beyond that.

The NBA really misplayed this. If China is sincerely this afraid of one person within one organization, the NBA could have struck a much harder line and forced China to be the bad guy. You want to suspend all NBA access to all Chinese fans and escalate all of this dramatically just because someone in America said

You’re making a mistake about 45. You are assuming he can, in any way, shape, or form, identify with anything outside himself. His definition of Treason can only mean personal betrayal of himself. Literally. This is how this man thinks. He does not care or even register the legal or constitutional definitions of such

-Nervous Nancy.” Nice one dude! Fuckin’ nailed her. Like to see you come back from that, Pelosi!

To be fair, he is going to need it. You think positions such as “fry cook at Long John Silver’s” or “septic tank scuba diver” would just take him at his word that he was president before a stint in jail and a chance at parole?

It would fit right in there with traitor, rapist, pedophilia, racism, the 35,000 lawsuits, multiple bankruptcies, emoluments clause violations, child abductions, campaign finance crimes, etc, etc... 

G-Dub is a war criminal. Fuck anyone who gives him a pass.

Shut up 

This is so fucking obvious, but we all know that his supporters will be crawling out of their burrows to defend him and using this as “proof” of no quid pro quo.

Just make the ticket Sanders/Warren. Sanders gets to be President for a few months before dropping dead then Warren gets the job. Everyone is happy except maybe Sanders cause he dropped dead and all.