Sodas and Fries

"Awful" is subjective, but by your exact same measure used just then, "mediocre" is not a "failure", either. It seems you're used to dealing in binary extremes, not realising that the definition of "mediocre" is actually somewhere in the middle ground.

Yes, comparing Iron Fist to a Monet was explicitly what I was saying. You can't see it, but I'm actually physically applauding your efforts.

I think Dream Daddy has finally been released, my Tumblr ships can wait~

It's always either unabashed fannishness or automatic enmity, with no middle ground for the kind of interactions real human beings might have.

Nobody likes a show off, A.V Club.

Depends, is Robyn there?

Who in the hell chooses to remember anything from Transformers 2?

Iron *clap emoji* Fist's *clap emoji* bad *clap emoji* press *clap emoji* and *clap emoji* "racism" *clap emoji* drama *clap emoji* was *clap emoji* completely *clap emoji* overblown *clap emoji*

Everyone else?
You should have clearly hit me up cause I was right in those reviews too and I'd tell you then what I'm telling you now: five fingers make a fist.
Bakuto has his own finger of the Hand, Madame Gao has hers. Nobu (DD S1 and S2) was another leader.

Or a more pertinent example, Agents of SHIELD.

To shoehorn a show as either completely "good" or "bad" is a pretty simplistic and convenient way to judge something, when the truth is there are many components which can make certain elements worth viewing, and others not so much - and that's where subjectivity comes into play also, because some of those elements

Solidly average is a failure? Lol OK

Or Iron Fist got enough streams to warrant a second season.

It's perfectly explained in the series.

There are multiple Hand factions, "fingers" as it were. Gao was a different faction from Nobu.

Does she though?

He mocked the "ready willing and Gable" motto on Talking Smack I think

Still trying to sell a Six man tag division, huh

Is there a single person out there that finds the Cruiserweight division interesting? Is there someone out there just absolutely enthralled by Brian Kendrick dressing up as Jack Gallagher? Is anyone watching 205 Live every single week?

You're doing the Lord's work sir