Sodas and Fries

Well we're kind of splitting hairs on what "exclusivity" really covers here, but yes what they're doing is like what Sony has done with the Pro. MS have been up front since the Scorpio reveal last year I think that all games that come out will cross their platform family - from Windows 10 to XB1 to the One X, with no

Third parties get paid in some form for their exclusivity, ya know. Microsoft publishing games from third party studios for exclusivity is just a different way of doing the exact same thing Sony does.

The 360/PS3 generation was a bit of an outlier though

What's the point there though? An exclusive is an exclusive.

Upscaled 4K, you mean

The Xbox controllers just have a nice weightiness that the PS ones have lacked, for my money.

I stuck with Xbox this generation after enjoying the hell out of my 360 and I haven't been disappointed at all. It was a bit of a rough start on the publicity front but the launch games were great and since then the backwards compatibility and play anywhere features of the XB1 have been brilliant additions, both of

until the Xbox One X, that is. Really depends on how much you want to spend as a consumer though.

or they could just buy a normal PS4 or a Xbox One S.

They didn't show any Gears or Halo this E3

What makes you think it won't have any exclusive games?

We were watching totally different things then, because I thought it was fine. There was in no way a lack of games, in fact they showed an impressive amount of different genres.

You got a Saturn too eh? I was such a SEGA stan but that wasn't a great buy.

They're not banking on anything, they know this console will fit a niche pocket of hardcore gamers. The point is though that it does nothing to diminish their game ecosystem which spread across the Xbox One family to PC.

How soon we forget the $700 PS3

Not everyone is into PC gaming. And playing the best version of games out there is appearing to hardcore console gamers.

Jet Set Radio Futuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuureeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

All of my pets have had distinct personalities, moreso than anyone who'd dare argue otherwise. I really don't understand where people from with such callous reactions, but I'd pity them if I cared.

Lol most of it is a stretch - which is a shame, because yes she did release a song exploiting lesbianism in the same album as slandering a dude as being "gay" for his habits, but then all that is undermined by black alien rape and exploding boobs.

I guess we'll see. I'd be very surprised to see a standard formulaic film come from Coogler.