Sodas and Fries

I sincerely doubt this is actually the case. Mickie James is 37 and she's on RAW, Shinsuke is on Smackdown… I'm pretty sure the simple reason why Asuka is still in NXT is because there's no one else capable of holding the women's belt. People need to stop reading into these things so much.

Is it really that questionable? The only greenhorn in the Smackdown division right now is Carmella. Naomi has been going from strength to strength and is pretty solid right now, and Tamina may be boring but she's sufficient enough for the powerhouse role.


Corbin is still green, and Jason who? (Yes I know who he is, but really where have American Alpha been lately?)

Good show! I was generally entertained all the way through.
I too was a bit "wait a minute, 5 men?" when the show started, so it was good to see that fixed with Owens added. Has there ever been a MITB with such a caliber of wrestlers involved? Not to mention seeing AJ and Nakamura tag later in the night was a bit of a

Stfu Hammity, you look like a snowman made out of leftover bread dough, complete with soulless little coal eyes.

JR is a national treasure. Protect him at all costs~

Honestly, Ranallo deserves better than WWE's toxic environment.

Thank God I don't play Pokemon

Good for him.More directors should walk away from lackluster scripts, for their sake (and especially ours)

You've got a point, though I'd argue that codecs and books are an extreme case almost. What I'm thinking about is like, I can't imagine someone playing FF7 and choosing not to get Vincent and Yuffie, you know? JRPGs in particular, rather than something like Skyrim or Deus Ex, just don't feel like games built for

Apparently I pointedly said verbatim "stop complaining", and yet here you are. I disagree with the assessment for reasons already mentioned by myself and other people around this comment section, do move on.

Sure, but is that 23 hours as a fresh experience, or 23 hours to someone who knows the game inside out?
As a general example: Resident Evil 1 is a one and half hour game if you know what you're doing. That won't stop your first play through being 10 times that long. Chrono definitely was a lot more for me than 23

Pretty sure I also conceded it was a legitimate complaint generally, but that I believed it wasn't true of this particular game. That's again my opinion, of which you decided to reply to in the first place. I surely didn't "want" to make you do that, if the best I'm going to get is be called a "fanboy" for it.

Ah, I forgot reviewers are always uniformly correct and their subjectivity should never be questioned.

Did I not say IMO? I will have a great morning in spite of your hollow well wishes, jerky.

It's a legitimate complaint, but completely unfounded with this game itself. This *is* a long form story. I mean, we're not talking Bungie levels of "hey, let's just reverse previous game levels and hope no one notices" or WoW-esque fetch quests or anything here, at least IMO.

Persona games have always been worth the squeeze, just as RPGs have always been time sinks. I dropped 90+ hours into FF7 when it was released, can't even remember how long Chrono Trigger took me at that. There's something to be said for the content making the dedication worthwhile, but if people don't have that kind

I have no time for your raunchy hentai jokes, purple tentacle porn!

No need to be defensive! I'm sure there are many others out there like you who also don't like fun