Sodas and Fries

How much the crowd cares doesn't have that much bearing on my own enjoyment.

The Club won't be joining Balor as long as Balor is face, and I don't see him turning heel for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time.

I agree. Just keep the camera above the waist so we don't seem them matching with those ridiculous kilts

Actually liked Bray this RAW and didn't skip his in ring promo with Angle like I have been his last few 10 minute camera sermons. Keep him low key and culty, not magic powered and using his AV projector skills for evil.

The payoff gag to the latter was how quickly he nodded off when on the plane.

Look you all can have gold stars

Yeah this review is just a touch spoilery for events in the books that haven't been revealed in the show yet, I thought.

I thought the glass eye and "can sleep any time/where" gave it away.

Right, it doesn't mean that another hook-up is foregone conclusion, but there's at least a clear precedent. Sometimes you read a situation wrong, which is what Archie did here. It happens - if it didn't, then no one would ever have to deal with rejection.


Well I mean I can see how him making a basic move to kiss her would be "disturbing" - if, you know, you ignore the said fact that they hooked up not long before, or that she confirmed feelings for him herself earlier that day, or the validation of their connection when they did make out later, or even the fact that


That's not what it's about AT ALL.

Would they be like "Earth go hard"?

I am hip with the youth~

It literally happens on any show with a review here, though I'm sure these are 90% more racially motivated.

Hot take!

Lol Bran Van, that's a deep pull

I've had my eye on The Flame In The Flood for a while, curious about how it plays overall.

Shut up Hammity, you look like someone drew a smug squinty face on an old potato