Sodas and Fries

Is he a zionist? his name sounds jewy so he must be

Pepe, MAGA, George Soros, etc

The thing is, who isn't a self-proclaimed submission expert these days, especially in the Cruiserweights? Gulak is the human torture device, Noam Dar had to give up his Champagne Super-kneebar because TJ Perkins was using the kneebar as a submission finisher in the Cruiserweight classic, etc. It may be giving the WWE

I'd double it

wewlad get red pilled you bunch of globalist beta snowflake cucks, kek!!1

If he's talking about post Season 2 Spike, I'm giving a massive side-eye.

Well firstly there's a big difference between the film and the series. Other than that, you gotta commit man! Buffy was at it's best in Seasons 1-3 for me but there were stand out episodes all over it's long run. Eps like the oft mentioned (and deservedly so) Hush and Once More With Feeling took some great chances and

Also him getting a near instantaneous tapout from an armbar:


The biggest of big calls *sarcmark™*

"Let’s face it, it’s hard to take Jack Gallagher as a legitimate contender"

Yes, finally, relevancy!

President Donald J. Meltdown

Not as good as the hype had me believe, but still one of the best X films (up there with X2) and one of the better comic book films around, easily.

To be fair, Civil War had it's cake and ate it too with both the third act emotional stakes and the splash-page comicbookness that came just before that. It could be argued one undermined the other but I think it succeeded in making you care about the friendship between Cap and Iron Man.

Made me think of Alan Wake, as there's literally someone who appears to people bright and glowing while wearing a deep sea diving suit.

It also sounded like a dog was locked up in a room somewhere and pawing at a door when whatsherface was on walkabout in David's memories last episode.

Legion's parentage is pretty well known in the comic books, he may have just been sourcing his info from there without any idea if it holds true in this series.

Au contraire, a lot was revealed in this episode, but OK.

She smiled