Sodas and Fries

You need to get a better hobby.

No direct Doc Strange shout-outs, but what Aida constructed looked basically like a sling ring portal, and what was sucking in Coulson looked a lot like the mirror dimension (which has connections to the Dark Dimension) where sorcerers in Doctor Strange could either practice magic or be trapped.

I thought Alpha came across slightly heely in their backstage interview.

They also wear the same grey undershirt - but again if these things were any more tangible then it wouldn't be a mystery any longer, would it? Signs are clearly pointing towards that they're one and the same, it's your prerogative if you're unwilling to go out on a limb for some reason, or you just think it's a red

…Logan has brown eyes though.

Actually we've seen a few things that connects William to the MiB, if you choose to accept them:
* they use the exact same knife -
* Logan gives William the photo of Willy's fiancee in the past, the same photo Dolores' host pappy finds at her farm in the present day, time-worn
* MiB acts

This episode confirmed more than ever that William and Logan's storyline is in the past. From there the assumption that William is the MiB is a short hop.

Ah yes, the burying of Sasha Banks continues, indeed

- and then the car trunk from Repo Man inside of that

Elon's Musk

Those dudes who would come into the comments to yell at people floating William = MiB theories earlier in the season must be having a near conniptions right now

I said, "I don't even KNOW her!!!"

Ah, fair enough. The line between the two mediums isn't so distinctive these days though, is it?

That's not the lyrics!
Choose Life, man

Oh yay 20 minute music videos, it's the early 00s all over again

Honest Q: what's the difference between The Onion and ClickHole, in terms of objective

Wake me up, before you go go

Somewhere in the MCU reality Quicksilver is spinning in his grave, faster than a normal corpse would

I hope Thanos kills Pepper off now

But missing that integral meathead component, sadly for him