Sodas and Fries

Right, I was just curious where the reviewer got "Astro" from.

Re: what's referred to "Astro" form in the review - isn't that meant to be astral projection?


Not much to say here other than, randomly, I'm continuing to love what they're doing with Natalya of all people; and was the crowd pretty dead or was it just me?

Initially, sure. The films were the foot in the door. My point is however is that they didn't and haven't been beholden to the films to be incredibly successful and pretty much have self-sustained themselves without any need for tie-ins or cross marketing promotions. I'd argue that the shows on Netflix which seem to

I don't know if I agree with that. The Netflix series are about as removed from the films as possible and they've pretty successfully won their audiences off of their own backs.

Jocks love professional wrestling?
Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

After being pinned/tapped out by Carmella in various matches and punked out in multiple backstage segments. Nikki's gotta get at least one definitive win back. That's great booking in favour of 'Mella IMO, especially considering she's as green as a cucumber on the roster.
Apollo Crews would kill for that treatment

Oh DC :')

I don't disagree but I have better things to do with my time than to wish it upon people who aren't my exes.

It's the fact you say "hate" which is what throws me off. I'd never say I *hate* a wrestler I disliked - not even Roman Reigns or Cena or the Great Khali. That's a step beyond, for me.
Is there any one else you happen to hate?

There's just something gross about grown men hellbent on tearing a woman down from her modest accomplishments. She's paid her dues, she's been putting Carmella over. Time to step off.

Ooh I hope they can cover the much applauded "Pregnant Sonic" arc

You confuse me calling out your relentless almost misogynistic vendetta against Nikki Bella week after week hoping she'll be put on the shelf (among other things) with "putting her over". She's a middle range performer, I have no illusions otherwise - but despite that she's nowhere near deserving of your increasingly

It makes a lot of sense, because again the SD writers need to make their Women's team look strong, and Natalya and Nikki are the two most senior female wrestlers on the Smackdown roster.



Your ever present and increasingly weird specific hate-on for Nikki Bella aside, it's actually a smart move that makes the Smackdown side look stronger.
Becky doesn't need to be the captain, because she's the champ already. Nikki being captain gives Smackdown two big roles within the team, instead of front-ending both

The cons are outweighing the pros concerning the RAW brand for me over the past 2 days

I don't caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaareeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee