Sodas and Fries

Sure, have fun blocking people who object when you decide to randomly cuss up a storm at them.
Bye Felicia~

Didn't the scriptwriter guy or the woman in vague authority role quiz the other on how long they've currently been rostered on site? I got the impression that wherever they are is somewhat isolated from the outside world.

I don't see that any differently from actors who take on a role that someone else has had prior and choose not to review how they played it, so it doesn't bear any effect on their own performance.

Is the ambiguity regarding Ed Harriss Gunslinger something that's really a negative? Obviously his place in the story will begin to fall in place sooner or later.

Excuse me? It just so happens that this thread of replies comes from the original post, so that specifically frames everything that comes after it. I don't see any point where I was "picking fights" with you, in fact I answered your question which you interjected with rather straight; so I invite you to be the one to

I felt the story concerning the "ghost" side of things to be silly (they really couldn't look more by-the-numbers as detached spirits or whatever) but there was moments such as Daisy hanging off the roof of GR's car and other flashes of excitement/fun which helped even things out.

Usually when anyone is talking about the plight of white people, between the lines it's usually a specific white in mind. My interpretation is Shades was drawn in to try and make the argument more complete but yeah, overall trashy post. :)

In the context of OP's post, considering said post is baiting garbage, no it doesn't.

Technically you're right, but I'm still pretty sure they're not the poor set upon WASPy anglo white people the OP was insinuating


A Warriors reference equals instant A+

Yeah I wasn't counting on my fingers or anything

He explained why to Luke himself in the episode didn't he?

Yeah, I'm sure they're totally safe in Donald Trump's America.

Pretty sure they mention him as such in one of the episodes. Also: does it really matter?

I *love* that they did that.

"For instance, it’s a little convenient that not long after Luke decides he wants to take down Cottonmouth for good"…

All white people are evil? I think you're looking for a problem where there is none. Also, I think they said Shades is Portuguese.

Because he was looking for Luke and people know he's been cleaning the barber shop up.
