Sodas and Fries

Ah, so good to see AV Club does reviews for this show. Just jumped on the train~

"We've got Wildlings sneaking into the North and pillaging our lifestock. Dyin' Ned Stark thought his wall was hyooooge enough to make Westeros Great Again. Sad!"

I thought the soundtrack really helped drive the opening sequence of this episode, tbh.

Maybe Spring is a concept one in Westeros can only dream of in the same manner as we dream of concepts such as heaven, or Donald Trump being lost to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean~

…except the distance from Winterfell to the Eyrie doesn't have an ocean you need to sail to travel between the two points.

Yeah whatever, the pound has only just dropped to a low it hasn't seen since 1985 and caused a chain reaction of tanking other currencies all the way to Australia and wiping billions off the sharemarket, but I'm sure people are happy you're here to interject in every feasible open thread-orifice that things aren't so

All future PrinceNumperdinck posts:
Fuck? Fuckity fucking the fuck? Shut the fuck up fucking fuck fuckery fuck bullshit fuck

"We Don't Care" "Please Love Us"

No such thing

Independence for my Scottish and Irish brethren! No need to be dragged down too, lads.

As I understand it the UK already had the ability to govern itself with more autonomy than any other country in the EU and was able to reap all the benefits of it at the same time.
How were you being hamstrung, exactly?

Boggled you can refute claims of racism but not actually offer what basis was your decision actually informed by

It's time to go…

I loved the early Sonic games and I can't help but agree.


He's one of those likable random actors that I've always wished well for, even though I don't follow their work too closely. He and Alan Ruck.

I did not understand one single thing you said.

Isn't having a limb under the ropes counted as a break anyway? I didn't think it necessarily needed to be on it.

Oh Roman, you idiot.

I was 3 for 3 of those I did guess: Ramsay, Wun Wun and Rickon, but I forgot all about Smalljon. Still, if I were keeping track I'd be rolling in the bitcoins.