Valkyrie and Monica Rambeau and the Dora Milaje and Captain Marvel...I think the next Thor might surprise you too.
Valkyrie and Monica Rambeau and the Dora Milaje and Captain Marvel...I think the next Thor might surprise you too.
I’ll say this about cheesy earnestness: thank fucking God. We’ve had decades of troubled superheros, deconstructed superheroes, grimdark superheroes. We can’t even have a fun, uplifting Superman. So I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to see some idealistic, heart-on-the-sleeve earnestness for a change. That was…
There were relatively a lot of non-white Flag Smashers— her lead moral lieutenant was Asian, there was at least two black women (one of them was super powered, another was a nameless park extra), some that read as Latino, and the offer who loaded them into the truck. Granted it’s also such a hugely muddled mess of…
Cap needs to give a speech. Cap gave a hell of a speech. A little on the long side, especially since you could see the Senator try to leave at least once, but you know damn well I was into it. Half-way through it totally clicked. He got into his groove. Just like the opening action sequence completely clicked for me…
This gets mentioned from time to time, but just how good is Marvel at casting for its characters? Back in 2014, Anthony Mackie seemed like a guy destined for a bit part as Captain America’s other sorta sidekick, somewhere in the Hawkeye or lower tier of characters. Seven years later, and Mackie has shown himself to be…
Stuck the landing. Bravo to the writers and esp Mackie for nailing that scene.
It’s odd to have a wrap-up article about a show that hasn’t finished yet...
I disagree fundamentally with the premise of this. One, part of the point of the show is that what Captain America is and what it means varies widely from person to person; how John Walker and Karli Morgenthau define Captain America are very different (whether the shield, the serum, etc), but each could point to real…
How about we wait for the show to finish before writing smarmy opinion pieces complaining that a show about Cap’s successors struggling to live up to his legacy...doesn’t have those successors immediately succeed in embodying his legacy?
Weird that that’s how you see it. I’d argue that this show feels more movie-ish than it should. Both Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and WandaVision are stories that only work in the long-form storytelling mode of a TV show. But TF&TWS feels like a 6-part movie, a la watching a marathon of Lord of the Rings or (not…
Sharon Carter isn’t the Power Broker. But her twin, Karen Carter, IS and she also resides in Madripoor. Half of VanCamp's appearances have been as Karen, but it's up to the viewer to figure out which is which.
I think she sent Batroc under false pretenses - revenge on Falcon - to get Karli or at least stop her movement.
Here’s the thing about LawrenceQ: He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
AoS had multiple tie-ins with the movies until it spun off into its own thing. It also featured two WOC as starring characters with complex character arcs long before Black Panther or Captain Marvel, and continued to cast diverse heroic characters as the show continued.
They did have Jarvis from Agent Carter in Endgame, which was a nice bit of continuity.
Justice for Sparky.
I’m sure my post calling her take bad was *also* dismissed.
I am also getting dismissed so here’s my reply to FeministOnFire: