
Of course, since he plays for the Browns, he’ll successfully complete rehab and be all ready to play, only to trip down the stairs leaving the center and tear his ACL.

I will never NOT find fat cats hysterical.

Yeah but this is already a law so there’s nothing to veto.

I can’t wait until the Spurs have a losing streak and Duncan goes off on them in the locker room and challenges their manhood by calling them a bunch of lollygaggers.

Uh Hello........who consistently has 2 of the top 5 cities for murder rate? And placed 4 in the top 10 at least one time.

Notre Dame has a pretty good record when it comes to acceptance of others.

Would have told you earlier, but we had to make sure all the paperwork involved with the ja’chuq had been approved before we could make it public

May you die well.

Thanks. Glad to be of service.

Jesus Christ Gary.

You mean he couldn’t even identify Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Council? 

Whatever Nancy

They’re saving that one for when they return to the NFC title game.

Son of a bitch. I was working with these guys on my Draft Kings squad.

The Aggies blowing up the Prarie View A&M cupcakes reminds me of a little good natured prank my school did before a big game against Arizona to kind of get into the Wildcats heads.

I prefer Notre Dame helmets as the batter comes out a nice golden color after being deep fried.

I call bs on you being a Bills fan.

I only hope Rose-Ivey has sufficient levels of vitamin D in his body when he meets with Governor Ricketts.

It’s going to be neat to watch when, before the kickoff, Bill Belichick’s head splits open as he shoots lasers out of his eye sockets and blows Rex Ryan’s brains all over the field.

Reporter: “So Derrick are you comfortable with the strategy of using Jane Doe’s sexual past as a defense in this case?”