@BlueBeard: I couldn't care less about my "precious" kill ratio as you assume. I care about having fun and playing a game you can win.
@BlueBeard: I couldn't care less about my "precious" kill ratio as you assume. I care about having fun and playing a game you can win.
@BlueBeard: If I don't like it then leave the room and rejoin? Only to have to worry about another room like this that is infinite? Yeah right.
@Helba: Do you have a link to these articles? I'm just curious because that would be hilarious if true.
@latinogamer: Those you'd have to turn off manually since QD doesn't have control over those.
@WatershipDown: I've never seen delayed achievements in ME. I could've sworn they pop up almost immediately after you obtain them.
@KevinSetzer: No one actually comes out and says that as a complaint randomly but it seems a lot of people prefer it this way and you only are annoyed by it at the time it happens. I think its something that a lot of people are glad to have changed, although only a small difference.
@nesstee: Getting to the Olympics is a GREAT achievement of its own.
@AlKusanagi: They'll still pop up but only after the chapter is over.
@All_hail_cale: Linger of Shadows did do this. I kind of wish it didn't just because it would help to know what I already did to get a trophy.
@FunkyMunxy: Think of it like this. Don't you hate it when you're watching a good movie on cable and an advertisement pops up in the bottom right corner, distracting you momentarily from the movie and cutting off parts of the frame? This game is trying to be like an interactive moive and this kind of thing is what…
@TuxBobble: I think he was just being sarcastic anyway.
@Hartia: Read the article.
MW2 should not have won GOTY or Best Original Score.
@Shin-san: XBL has ads AND you get to pay for it. The worst of both worlds.
@Snappywave: Subtitle option for the Deaf please: If they include stuff from the Thrawn trilogy then I'm all for it. The EU of Star Wars is better than everything SW-related other than the original trilogy.
@Révolution: Being that this is a teaser trailer I'd say the results will be much better. They have until fall 2010 for this to look even better and show more off of this. And I'd say this looks much better at least graphically than MW2.
Everyone hating on the new MoH just seem like MW(2) fanboys.
@WaR_HaWk: @KingFrog: @Chirotera: @wirebrain: @MDog:
@Orian: I hope they un-canonize TFU. The story messed with good canon and made Starkiller one of the most powerful Jedi in history.
Out of all the possibilities of a new Star Wars game, almost no one wanted a sequel to TFU. I'm pretty disappointed.