
@POWRDUPshawn: It created an aspect of gaming that relies on creation and sharing those creations with every gamer. Like mods for PCs but its pretty much a first for consoles. And it has created nearly infinite replayability of the game because of it.

Don't worry Japanese people, the story is just as preposterous and incomprehensible with a proper voice track.

@d_r_e: Wow. I had done EVERYTHING in FFVII and I still only totalled about 70 hours.

@Xavier_32: I bet Mass Effect in about ten hours and I took my time. It took about 20 hours to do everything. Mass Effect is VERY short for an epic RPG.

@Shibuya ESPer: I think the box art looks really good. It would be better if the background wasn't plain though and showed some of the FFXIII universe off. But it's a classier design that's well done imo.

That's a really cool cover. I'm glad they went with the new PS3 design instead of using the old Spiderman font design that MW2 and other third-party games still use.

@XavierHarkonnen: Good point. I really wouldn't be surprised if that's why they're releasing the demo earlier on PSN.

The incoherent story alone makes MW2 not deserve a perfect score.

@soiralknarf: I agree. I was awaiting MW2 like the return of Jesus but the game isn't that great.

I hope you're referring to Uncharted 2 when you say you feel confident what GOTY 2009 is going to be. I will have lost faith in gaming awards if it doesn't win GOTY this year.

I feel the same way. I despise WoW and similar MMOs, but I've been really intrigued by EVE online. I really wanna try it out but I don't like paying monthly for a game and I don't have a good enough graphics card I bet (Intel 4500HD).

@shadow_judge: Lol! I can't believe you got John McClane confused with John McCain. For a second I thought that was correct and wondered "Why the hell is he bringing up McCain?" :)

@Leanid: It must suck waiting 5+ years into a consoles lifespan to get it. It'll be a few years before the PS3 drops that low.

@Wartoad6: G-Loc was amazing in its day. I totally forgot about that game.

I will 100% buy a remake of Afterburner on PSN. Afterburner (the one that rolled) was probably the best arcade ever. One day if I'm ever wealthy enough I'd love to buy one of those arcades.

@DigitalHero: I agree that the MW2 multiplayer is more fun overall and has much more options and variation, but there are more problems with it than U2's multiplayer I think. I've never had problems getting a game to start other than the long ass loading times (unless that's what you mean).

@JayUnreal: Well it doesn't suck overall. It's still good. However compared to the 360 version it's kinda messed up. The host migration only works about half the time, the game lags quite often (I think it does a poor job picking a good host), and it puts me in my own lobby or lobbies of only a couple people when

BF3 for PS3/360/PC and I will instantly preorder.