Best thing to happen to the PSN? I think Flower, Crash Commando, and Super Stardust HD are a lot better than Castle Crashers.
Best thing to happen to the PSN? I think Flower, Crash Commando, and Super Stardust HD are a lot better than Castle Crashers.
I've never played Monkey Island but have heard good things, what is all the fuss about?
@djthekidd: That is a bad idea if you ask me. I don't want to have to worry about fueling the Normandy (or whatever ship I use) when traveling. It'll be very tedious.
@Hey_Blinkon: Even though I played through GoW and GoW2 long ago, I hate when people post spoilers. It's just a plain dick move and it's not funny. There's still tons of people who haven't played them and you pretty much ruined the best twist in the story for GoW. Good job asshole.
@Zeta1: Oh, that's why I didn't know that. They should be on the PS Store too. I'll check it out. Thanks.
@Archaotic: Yeah the trophy patch is the first thing I thought of when they announced these, and I think it's the safest bet. I can't wait to replay MGS4 for all the trophies.
@Archaotic: What are you expecting? Did you really think Konaim was gonna have these massive announcements coming daily throughout the week? They even said that the announcements were mostly regarding game updates. I'd say this is a decent announcement.
If Konami would put these expansions on the PSN I'd buy them. I'm not gonna try and figure out how to get it on my PS3 with their horrid site and multiple usernames. This is part of the reason I stopped playing MGO.
@undefined: Never cried but FFX ending made me close, and MGS4's ending was a little sad.
@FP_slomo788: Milo seems fake as it is, and I doubt it'll be anywhere near as quick/accurate/natural when it comes to fruition.
@reality.exe -console: Yeah the new Elite bundle is pretty good: Halo 3 and Fable II.
@reality.exe -console: I'd definitely rather have The Show and Casino Royale than Kung-Fu Panda and Lego Indy.
@Se7enthSamurai: I was wondering that too.
@Devenu: That just reminded me of this btw:
@Devenu: In that case, yes. I would use tanks that shot German Shepards out of it. Even though it's twice the pure evil that those two things already are.
@Spilt_Milk: I think it does, but it's not the greatest screenshot either. There's a couple of Forza 3 screen shots released that looked better than this.
@PlasmaGlory: I'd actually prefer to play it on my PS3 since all I have is a laptop with a mediocre graphics card.
@SnoopyFish: So it was you!! Asshole!
I just sold this game recently. I got tired of the tanks, dogs, and campers.