
Shame on CBS for letting serial woman abuser Brandon Marshall opine on Zaevion Dobson’s heroism. Where’s the tidy segment of Marshall cruising around Nashville asking what the girls did to piss the shooter off, they were probably asking for it, that happens to him a lot, here’s a ream of fake documents to prove it,

laughing so hard rn, Bobby Finger you are a treasure


roll tide

So how much did GriftKings and ScamDuel give to the Right Honorable Dean Murray’s campaign?

Assault is the apprehension of a harmful contact: the realization that you’re about to get hit. Battery is the actual contact itself. So if you punch someone and then try to pay them, it’s battery, yes. But that’s not an accurate analogy. If you and the punchee agree to be compensated in advance for being punched, and

I’m a lawyer, so I was just wondering. :)

His statement is pretty tame, actually. A much stronger, more convincing, and direct statement would have been “I never raped Stoya.” The wording he used - ‘false and defamatory’ - is not his own. That’s his lawyer talking. A statement can’t be defamatory if it’s true, so by saying it’s false and defamatory, he’s

Are you a lawyer?

Rather than log off, Gaby has shamefully deleted the majority of her comments (except for the martyr stuff that she thinks makes her look good), leading some of the users who called her out to post screenshots:

Really, really bad look for Gaby on Twitter tonight, after her own rise to e-fame was fueled mostly by being on the right side of these things. Now her friendship with Deen is taking her off-message. She’s already deleted several tweets that, based on the remaining conversation, questioned Stoya’s story and said she

Yes, how will Gawker replace an entirely crowdsourced post every week? He is truly irreplaceable. Such a talent.

Okay, pal. I was born and raised in the Midwest. You’re allowed to not find a joke funny, that’s fine, but you’re not allowed to be this stupid. Gonna go out on a limb here and say wherever you live probably sucks, too.

Peter King might disagree with you there; haven’t you heard of Wichita’s famed neutrality? Name a better equalizer in sports. You can't.

But you’re still in Kansas City, so you've already lost.

This means that, from now on, companies sending DMCA complaints within the Ninth Circuit’s jurisdiction of Alaska, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, and Hawaii have to take fair use into account.

Come on guys, you don’t have to settle for a spring training photo where he’s wearing #74 against the Reds. Spend a little more, and at least get one from mid-June.

If I didn't know better, I'd think this is an undisclosed sponsored post for Lirum.

This article would’ve benefited greatly if you’d first familiarized yourself with existing Cirrus aircraft and GA aircraft in general, instead of apparently rewriting a press release and inserting pointless parenthetical commentary on weather and crashing.

Good thing legal research on Westlaw or Lexis for all jurisdictions is completely free, so no problems there!