
“You. Yes, you.” probably doesn’t like the fact they are Christian. They do a lot of things anyone would agree with - jobs for the poor, cheap clothing and home goods, food distribution, etc. They also tell people about Jesus.

The only part that’s trolling is calling it a ‘gift’ - you’re contributing to a charity that you support and making a statement about your opinion; it’s entirely self-serving.

Probably how he and the leaders were without want, as opposed to the regular population.

It’s his trailer. At his house. Both of which he either pays to own or use. Why should he have to pay to store it some place else, when it’s probably orders of magnitude easier and cheaper to do so at his house? Just because his WASP-y neighbors get the vapors from looking at it? Get outta here.

but he has every right to? he (probably purposely) lives in a neighborhood with no HOA for the very reason of being able to do this. it’s a trailer.

This is why HOAs suck ass.

This is flat out absurd.

Firstly, I get why this was written. There is this enormous wave around the interwebs, “what we will tell our children????”. “Protect them!!” This as a parent I find stunning.

But frankly too little too late.

I think that there’s about equal chances it’s bullshit versus a vulnerable woman with a legit story got taken advantage of and now the situation feels like it’s spun out of control.

Also, Bill Clinton has ties to Epstein, which is one reason I think the Dem campaign hasn’t even TRIED to touch this one with a 100-foot pole.

I’m watching BB from the beginning for the third time on Netflix; it’s amazing how many subtle details you pick-up on after watching the series multiple times.

The before and after is always kind of cool to see:

Yes... I’m sure this latest (weirdly vague) development is going to drive voters to Donald Trump in droves.

It is every upper-class person, man or woman, black or white, who feels like the rules don’t apply to them.

Considering that he is specifically NOT the best candidate for the office, no.

This email scandal is one of the primary reasons I will NOT vote for HRC. I am a defense contractor and know the paperwork and the yearly training that is required to gain access to classified information. Proper handling of said information is drilled into your head from the moment you sign. Ignorance of the law is

According to the recent leaks....The FBI Agent’s wife received over 700,000 in campaign contributions from a PAC Hillary works closely with. 

Yeah, I thought that go-karts had engines.