So close but yet...

I’m maybe (actually, “probably”) giving Barkley too much credit here, but I took his comments to mean “we shouldn’t be sitting here looking in at his grief. It’s wrong, this guy needs to be with his family, not thrust into being a spectacle for thousands in person, and millions on TV.” Which is how I felt. Maybe he

You are being very chill about your marauding squirrel, but he is just the vanguard in the squirrel war to come. You are in the bronze age of this arms race, and start saving now for increasingly complex, squirrel-thwarting bird feeders.

141 character launch code.

Of course Wisconsin won. Look at the photos you posted. They got to play 6-on-5.

Eating popcorn while watching professional athlete grandson play is some life of kings shit.

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

I’m from the Midwest, so help me out here. Is “another product of the Southern California public course” a thing, or is this the nerdiest possible version of straight outta Compton?

This pasty Wisconsin team beat a better, blacker Kentucky said in the final four than the one his son’s white guys lost to

The most shocking thing about this story is that it wasn’t at ASU.

you do realize you’ve morphed into Bill Simmons, right?

I just want to say that, as an owner, I’m extremely interested and am going to do everything in my power to get Sherman in a Packers uniform next season.

What kind of professional athlete doesn’t have the conditioning necessary to run 270 feet without being out of breath for half an hour afterward?

I’m a full grown 40s adult with shit going on. I play 6-8 games a year. That hour a day before my wife comes home is a laugh and sometimes when she’s out with a buddy on weekends. Because of the low amount of games I always get the winners too, heavily vetted and I know exactly what I want. . and cheap. I’m a 90s

thank you for this screenshot.

Neutral : I know as soon as I post this, some keyboard warrior is going to expound on how I’m fundamentally wrong. But here it goes...if the car companies want to see their sales numbers climb, they need to bring back the truly affordable car. Right now, they’ve been riding high on the markups on trucks and SUVs.

does anyone outside of the NYC metro area care about Francesa? I live in NJ so I do but I imagine some guy in Seattle could give a shit

Yep, but I still don’t understand the endgame for the Senate Democrats here. I know they are (rightfully) frustrated about Garland, but I really think filibustering Gorsuch is cutting off their nose to spite their face. It will lead to the GOP invoking the nuclear option, and from that point on (which might mean a

#Heyhey? #HolyCow? #WhatCurse?

#ThatsCub is terrible —#LetsWinTwo is the obvious one.