So close but yet...

Not to mention he was getting a masters in Public Policy, not some African American studies degree from UNC

It always baffles me how guys like Brogdon get taken so low. The idea that some jamoke who is a couple of years younger and can jump out of the gym YET doesn’t actually seem to know how to play basketball deserves lottery consideration but someone who is an ancient 23 years old who is fairly athletic and clearly does

Jeets gave out a lotta gift baskets.

women’s rights activists are (and should be!) still riding the high from Saturday’s global women’s marches

Butt stuff. All kinds of butt stuff.

Look, I know it’s very popular to keep making references to Brown Shirts and how the nation will be plunged into a Fourth Reich because Trump is such a piece of shit. I get it. However, let’s not forget that the right wingers said just as much completely unhinged bullshit about President Obama when he came into

Was he that bad? It felt like his receivers just dropped everything or neatly deposited it into the hands of the Falcons. Sure his level dropped due to what I imagine was continent cracking levels of frustration with the rest of the offence.

Come on now - we’ve seen Harden hit plenty of shots before. Where are the real highlights? How about showing some of that “actively playing good defense”? I’ll only believe it if I see it.

You clearly missed why that department was chosen.

He’s basically bizarro Steph Curry, taking more and more difficult shots as the game wears on with increasing efficiency, but only from 14-21 ft. out. It’s almost hilarious to watch someone be so effective at something that, by all advanced metrics, is the single worst shot in basketball. He’s better than peak Melo

It’s like he has some sort of fever

And no mention that it was spearing.

“Guys look how short my new shorts are!”
“That’s nuts!”
“Technically it’s the tip, but close enough.”

You know, you can’t ever put out a veiled critique of Brady without getting some of our famous DS Pats commenters to come out quickly. It is like Trump and any criticism at all, they just rise to the bait.

You are not part of Hollywood. La La Land is a love letter to Hollywood. If there is one thing Hollywood loves, it’s love letters to them. They can’t get enough of them. It’s the perfect award bait.

This is the payoff on the long con of typewriter inventor Jerry Qwerty.

He has epileptic seizures. He can sit up in the box and call plays, but IIRC he stepped down because he could no longer run the sideline as a proper HC.

You know what alternative medicine is called when actual evidence confirms its effectiveness? Medicine.

The Village People also tried to use the basketball card explanation for their original name, Topps.