Socks Clinton

Oh, the desperation and the finger pointing and the trying to make this be all about bad words. It’s delicious and sad. Trevor Noah did a monologue whose entire point was “this is not about the word pussy, it’s about the intent to grab it without permission, motherfuckers”, and someone in the comments said “oh, so moth

“Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation...” —Ronald Raisin

That’s a very nice passerby — good on them.

This is such a staggeringly low bar that has been set for Trump. It’s embarrassing to watch. ‘He never sexually assaulted ME so I think he’s ok.’? Really?

Ted Bundy didn’t rape or kill Ann Rule and her daughters, so why didn’t Kelly get him released from prison? I mean, he demonstrated is innocence...

That photo of Bill looks like he’s being physically restrained after being provoked to violence by Ken Bone.

She did say unless someone in her household needs her, and you know, tomorrow is Columbus Day, and the kids will be home from school.

“.. unless Trump offers me 1/3rd of what I’m owed”

I think a headache would do at this point

“....unless the check bounces.”

Raise your hand if you have used this move on your creepy relative. ✋

Ted Cruz can mouth-breathe with the best of them, but he has shown himself to have some of the worst political instincts. It’s pretty entertaining watching him step into shitpile after shitpile.

There’s so much stuff out there that there’s not much anyone can do to protect Trump. He’s been making offensive, crude, and despicable comments for 40-50 years, largely on tape and largely for public consumption. Doing Trump opposition research is mostly just reading or watching his public statements.

Jeb!’s cousin Billy must have known. You’d think he would have mentioned it. Thanksgiving is going to be uncomfortable on the plantation this year.

Cruz raised $160 million for his campaign. He couldn’t have paid an intern to listen to Trump’s appearances on Howard Stern? Interviewed Miss Universe contestants and staff? Put out a bounty for damaging video? Please. Opposition research is Campaigning 101.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.

You got what you deserved, Ted.

I am sure Kasich is really pleased with himself right now.

Yes and fucking enabling Billy Bush’s career. He makes Ryan Seacrest appear deep and thought provoking.