he’s a dick in ways that are intended to help his team win
he’s a dick in ways that are intended to help his team win
These humans are all so insanely talented. That Swamp thing. my god.
The specter of Honnold’s sudden, violent death looms over the entire movie like a great spectral fart.
This is well and truly identical to what happens with Star Wars. They made 3 classic movies and since then everything else has been trash and dumb and hazy. Watch the original three movies and enjoy them how you choose and ignore the noise.
Gritty is a cousin of HR Pufnstuf. Why isn’t anyone talking about that acid trip 70s show and it’s similarities. I watched that b/c I have older siblings and still have traumatic memories. Gritty gives me acid reflux
“He’s the kind of security blanket in the AL playoffs that can probably only be equalled by Houston’s Justin Verlander”
The best hidden gem in all of Cleveland’s shockingly good foodie community is a place called Prosperity Supper Club. it looks like grandma’s basement complete with black and white TVs playing old movies and a real jukebox with only the rat pack. They have 2 glorious beer lists. One is called your dad’s beer with black…
Whoever is doing the writing on this year’s season of Hard Knocks deserves an Emmy
so. much. kindling.
Browns fan over here just being happy our wide receivers actually care enough to block this year.
hey look! A Clevelander makes a comment about something unrelated entirely to logos and someone else assumes every single fan is cool with the racist chief wahoo (we aren’t) and therefore any comment they make criticizing another team is invalid!
It’s a tie: every browns game i’ve ever attended
According to reports he has not been suspended which opens up to some truly awesome twitter conspiracy theories- My favorite being that the NFL doesn’t want him on Hard Knocks and honestly that might be true
Did you just... compare medium level comedians of 2018 to some of comedians defining voices while also telling a woman to check herself and know her role? The actual fuck.
As a season ticket holder for the indians who routinely sits in 36 degree weather to watch very mediocre april baseball i sure do hope that portland idea features a dome b/c man... there’s only so many tall boys one can afford to try to stay warm.
“it’s going to be a wild year”
having a 19 dropped on you has something to do with not wanting to waste actual arms bud.
Important featured product review from their website:
Megan, you rock but to hell with your flip flip shaming.
turn off the heat but leave the skillet ON the (now) hot burner? or take it off said burner and on a cool one entirely?