
it really is crazy that we have these 2 pieces of perfection in Hammy and Andre but they’re surrounded by an out of touch grumpy old man (manning), and flat out bad play by play tv guy (underwood) and whatever Rosie is.

Apparently this post was speed written as well.

seeing as their qatar air sponsorship was worth 30 mill and their revenue last year alone was 750 mill... no, that’s not where they got the money from. might have something to do with that 3.5 billion valuation they have as a whole but what do i know

you... might wanna look at that jersey one more time friend.

if this was chive the comments would be loaded with FINDHER

An aging running back who hasn’t signed yet in July being picky is pretty fun.

This article would be accurate for any other city in the world except for the fact that you blatantly leave out that the previous LA Olympics actually made money. the first to do so since the 30s. LA is one of the only cities that actually is set up to succeed given that they have most of the necessary facilities and

A Ravenclaw wrote this analysis

I’ll be interviewing you for a podcast when you’re in Brooklyn (oh) so if you want some fun “why your team sucks” browns fodder I’m your guy... though lets be serious, you’ll have plenty of material.


I just want one of these guys to post a tweet like “man...fuck you ESPN.”

there is no possible way this is the best version of the katt williams special you could find.

Can we officially just name Rosie “The guy that isn’t Hammy”?

It’s a stink yes but he’s got over 40 million guaranteed worth of money now to buy some cologne

howdy I work at OverDrive and you’re on the right track but I thought I’d clear up a couple small things with what you wrote- 1- the overwhelming majority of titles are priced the same in physical and digital but yes some pubs do up charge the digital. Their thought process is that the books never get lost or damaged

Hey there - full disclosure I work at OverDrive - It’s gotten a lot better in the last few years. Previously DRM was definitely a challenge but it’s incredibly simple now. You can use the OverDrive app (try our beta app called Libby) or you can just search your library’s website and listen to the audiobooks right in

So... looks like you guys aren’t tracking that 3 am Woj bomb beat...

whoa that IS crazy. I didn’t know box scores even existed anymore.

Levelheaded Cavs fan here- The best version of the Warriors (something similar to what we saw last night) is so much better than any version of the Cavs, especially the current make up with some injuries, new players, etc. If they hit that level in the finals, it won’t matter what the cavs do.

penalidad indeed.