
Forget the movie... i really want to read that book now.

The lazy argument of "THEY SHOULD BE DONATING INSTEAD" is being used all over you might want to look into the fact that b/c of the awareness this is raising the charity set a single day record yesterday for most money they've ever taken in. nearly 2 million dollars. This is a good thing and viral attention only helps

this article should've just been "because you're still smoking chemicals." full stop.

Annalee- you can use to embed samples of titles into book stories like this. It gives you code and lets readers sample the book then borrow it from their library as an eBook or buy it. Here's the URL for that book:

I blew it... well done.

secondary nitpick: Ice Cube is a headphone mogul and actor... not a rapper or hip hop performer. Do your research.

man now they only have 2/3s of their cy young winners healthy. tough break.

How I dealt w/ this week...

80 year old australian murders shark with one hand.

you read that story somewhere and then it led to 2 rings and 4 finals. we in cleveland would sacrifice our 1st and 2nd borns for that.

name the last thing glenn close was big enough to "move the needle" for... i'll save you the time. it was 101 dalmations.

If I buy these things do I myself become insta-filtered? Does someone make sure to photograph me anytime I am full of angst, in a wood filled room or playing piano? Does my mustache grow 3 sizes that day? So many questions left unanswered

I love baseball and have all my life. That said, it blows my mind that teams still think giving the other team a free base runner is payback for being shown up.

Hunter Pence likes tapioca pudding.

You have spaceballs ranked anywhere that isn't #1.... this list is incorrect.

You sure do have everything figured out, man. they should give you a column...

[2 years from now]

Sigh. You worked hard on that so good job but he has an issue w/ pot. Not a drug one tends to "cut"