
I wanted to write something snarky about leaving Cleveland out of this but I really do want to see the letter Gilbert would write.

You left out the most amazing part of his night- that 9 pitch perfect inning was a part of a 3 inning stretch where he threw 25 STRAIGHT strikes.

Pew Pew!

Oh god yes...a ridiculous amount. And incredibly strong forearms as well. They be large men. You won't see Michael Bourn snapping bats like this anytime soon

Manny Ramirez did the same thing when he played for the red sox. It happens on check swings some times because guys "shave" down the handle of their bat so thin that they split pretty easily.

I honestly thought that left behind poster was a joke at first

E is for ecco and he was delicious made real sad.

You know it's an epic tale b/c... 30 seconds to mars

I want someone in the olympics to celebrate a failed attempt like that

I thoroughly enjoyed Hellboy and, frankly, Pan's Labrynth is a masterpiece so anything Guillermo wants to throw this way I'm all for even if we have deal with teeth demading fairy...things.

Fair point but as you point out there a sketch areas in every state. I used 25 miles as a radius b/c that feels like a fair distance that people will travel to shop at a nice mall... of which there are many in the area

As an Ohioan who lives pretty close to Randall park I can safely assure you that this isn't a "certain parts of ohio" thing. Within a 25 mile radius of this mall there are 5 shopping centers/malls that thriving and continue to grow

A lot of people in the comments section debating over what this procedure should be called. Frankly if you save my life w/ a revolutionary process where you REMOVE ALL OF MY BLOOD you can call it whatever you want. Science is amazing

You might want to use a different example instead of Green as you "considering the likes of X made the team" comment. Julian Green is the current "future" of US soccer, the type of kid you want to get WC experience even if it is just traveling and embracing the atmosphere. I don't know If LD should've made it or not

being miserable is their god-given right as a new yorker

Calm down, guys. It's the deepest draft in a long time. Who else would you want at the very top to show how to truly botch it than our Cavs?

Frankie. Valli.

You seem like a nice enough person so I'll just be straight forward and not mean- there is a running narrative in the BPL about how Arsenal doesn't spend money and they finish top 4 regardless and their fans still want Wenger out. Yes, they spend money. Yes, I told a joke based on a narrative in a league that may not

Oh I agree that's all it will take. I just will believe it when I see it