Oh god yes...a ridiculous amount. And incredibly strong forearms as well. They be large men. You won't see Michael Bourn snapping bats like this anytime soon
Oh god yes...a ridiculous amount. And incredibly strong forearms as well. They be large men. You won't see Michael Bourn snapping bats like this anytime soon
Manny Ramirez did the same thing when he played for the red sox. It happens on check swings some times because guys "shave" down the handle of their bat so thin that they split pretty easily.
I want someone in the olympics to celebrate a failed attempt like that
You might want to use a different example instead of Green as you "considering the likes of X made the team" comment. Julian Green is the current "future" of US soccer, the type of kid you want to get WC experience even if it is just traveling and embracing the atmosphere. I don't know If LD should've made it or not…
Calm down, guys. It's the deepest draft in a long time. Who else would you want at the very top to show how to truly botch it than our Cavs?
Frankie. Valli.
You seem like a nice enough person so I'll just be straight forward and not mean- there is a running narrative in the BPL about how Arsenal doesn't spend money and they finish top 4 regardless and their fans still want Wenger out. Yes, they spend money. Yes, I told a joke based on a narrative in a league that may not…
Oh I agree that's all it will take. I just will believe it when I see it
exceptions prove rules
without seeing who Manchester United bring in—as well as who Arsenal, Liverpool, Chelsea, Manchester City, and Tottenham (well, maybe not Tottenham), buy with their own massive transfer budgets
Say what you want (and yes the odds are 100%) but this day like 10 in a row cleveland is in the national media. relevancy aint a bad thing
The headline reads this way b/c it's click bate which clearly worked. The actual story is that this man is a piece of garbage who beat his girlfriend. One of you like guns. The other doesn't. Lets leave it at that and agree that a poorly written headline that people click on does it's job for the website in the end.
The VP of the NBPA? Yes, people are taking him seriously.
Danny Salazar already had tommy john! Woo!
How to explain the kiss: "Sometimes men love men. Sometimes women love women."
You forgot every single SportsPickle question:https://twitter.com/sportspickle
Report: Oh well.
hey man...keep up the curling.
Anytime I see people responding to you all I can think is "come at the king, you best not miss". Keep living your life Doug, you golden god