Quick someone get me a Jim Ross version, stat.
Hey guys... it wasn't really clear- What is everyone's opinion on pumpkin ales again?
Not that anyone cares but this happened already last year when Kyrie Irving wore a black mask and the league askedhim to change it. Ironically it was also after torching the knicks for a game
Soup eating and password protexting sure but if you didnt stop taking it after destroying your own floor maybe you're the one to blame, not Ambien
You should both watch Shawshank together, then.
If Arrogance personified means "making defender look like a 1st grader" then yeah... arrogance personified...
as a west ham fan...god damn thats perfect
where's his white suit?
The best part is Mary Kay Cabot being taken seriously as a browns beat reporter
Hey Kennedy- enjoy the 5 minutes every 4 years you're on tv.
So... why not just use flying J for the browns? throw in a Monopoly guy with empty pockets. real life does the job for you...
It's not the hipster olympics...
I actually work at OverDrive (just wanted to say that up front) and so first off- thanks for the shout out! Our app works with all major devices and most of our eBooks can be read through your browser using the OverDrive Read version of the book you borrow. Also- we have nearly 2 million titles (including all of the…
Right in the GD feels.
I agree it's a fair narrative. Also let it be known that i completely agree this whole thing was shortsighted but the story today is "Browns basically have their guy". Pettite is in town right now negotiated. That's the story today. a week ago? Yeah... its a fucktown circus here.
That argument is irrelevant to the point. I completely agree w/ you but Deadspin would rather play the "Ha, Cleveland, you're sad and terrible" card instead just reporting "The Browns took a long time but it was them being thorough and now they have a coach" instead "Clusterfuck"
I love how you drop a "not to pile on" before using rumors that aren't true to write your story b/c cleveland is an easy punchline & using the 2nd to last paragraph to tell the actual story: Pettine will be the coach and he's a smart choice. He's not here for a 3rd interview. he's here for contract talks and will be…