
Sir, I will never forget. This day will live in immorium .

It's almost like living our your politics via consumption is dumb.

I don't it really matters if he truely is or weather it's just rhetoric.

No the solution does not lie in more culture. The solution must be a combination of direct action and a political solution that goes beyond anti Trumpism.

Trump saying both sides/America will overcome rhetoric isn't really that different from the majority of bland statements that politicans have made. Obviously it's a vague statement that allows the far right to interpret as they please (Spencer on twitter has already done the obvious) but the scary part is the law and

Didn't they CGI has abs?

The first one is way way more explicit. I have seen the director defend it as a Marxist interpretation of the role of the police in society but it certainly wasn't seen like that in Brazil.

I think the worst thing that has happened to action movies is that the directors instead of writing some just unconscious reactionary dreck, they pretend they actually have something to say. I am looking at you Avengers.

I saw the segement from 300 in which he fights the wolf again on youtube……..It's not good.

Yes, that true.

Have you actually made an argument yet? Even though the PYD isn't really just a Marxist group anymore but is really a combination of Marx, Lenin, Kurdish nationalism and Bookchin among other interpreted through the writing of Occalan. You don't like Marxism, great. That's an argument but to say that the a singular

You don't even have an argument. Go away.

You are responding to an article about the Peshmerga and an idiot who willingly wore a Barzani scarf and that is applying American liberal feminism to a foreign culture. No one on the left is saying Barzani rules anything more then a bourgeoisie capitalist regime, that represents the feudal elements of kurdish

Not sure what that means.

Isn't she in Iraq in which the main Kurdish forces are not left wing and really represent what would have once been called feudal elements of the Kurdish people combined with foreign capital?

Sir, I will have you know that at the House of Saudi we were dissapointed to lose such a long term investment but Trump was more then amenable.

They should have kept Scaramucci, they could be bombing DPRK and the press would still be talk8ng about the Mooch.

The Republicans policies are basically a version of looting the state but compared to the Democrats they are geniuses.

Jamie is going to kill Cersei but there is going to be a fakeout with Arya.

I was reading an ethnography of unions in Detroit in the 80s and one of the surprising comments, was that apparently the majority of shooters the police arrested were white hill billies. Has anyone else heard that?