Re: Nina and her storyline
Re: Nina and her storyline
You are probably right but here is to hoping that Gabriel got infected when someone came over to take the Glanders sample to use against Tim/Alice.
MailRobot should stick up for his colleagues and run Gaad over.
They should give Tim and Alice some Glanders, more cover story for this mini-epidemic before it is contained. Kill several annoying birds with one infected stone.
Oh my god when William took off in the other direction, that gave me a hearty, hearty belly laugh for 2-3 minutes. And people say this show lacks comedy. It's there, blackest pitch, but there.
Thanks! Just wondering as I often dont bother participating in the comments if I'm far behind the review schedule. This show seems like there will be lots to talk about.
Can I ask what is the viewing schedule like for this on Hulu? Are most episodes online already?
Agree. Such an odd narrative choice, to make their childhood relationship so complicated. The weird family/not-family thing is convoluted and unnecessary.
If by "only three left" you were talking about episodes, Wikipedia says there are now 10 episodes in total. I read there were originally six in total too, awhile back. But it looks like they are planning for 10 (possibility of cancellation aside)
I am sort of hoping Chick is Norma(n) fodder this year. He amused me last year, but this pot business stuff has got to go. Dylan isn't the only one that's getting bored with it.
Thanks! When I rewatch I'll see if I can recognize anything.
Thanks that was driving me buggy ! I live nearby but not in the downtown core - I just didn't recognize the shot or the buildings. Granted I don't spend much time on rooftops and have only seen the episode once so far.
Aww, I like Jimmy and Winn and could see her with either, although that probably has more to do with her than either of them. Problems with the show aside, they struck gold with her. I love her in the role.
Without crossing the border into the states, Vancouver's pretty much it. There are other nearby cities but nothing obvious comes to mind that would incorporate so many highrises and tall buildings.
I'm not sure. I'd be curious if any Portlanders had an opinion on that. The show is filmed in and around Vancouver but when they were on the roof it didn't seem like an obvious Vancouver skyline.
I didn't dislike Patty but the chemistry never got to the point that I was actively rooting for them to be together. But Grant and Melissa seem to have the rare lightning-in-a-bottle thing happening.
That was super cute. I wish Barry had as much chemistry with his intended love interests as he has with Kara. Bummed to find out it was a one-off and she didn't accidentally join him on his trip home.
Do you like apples?
Agreed, but now I do sort of wonder if he's not being a pot overlord, what the show would have him do, so I guess his plan to move is timely.