
I constantly rerank my favorite Mariah albums. For me, Butterfly is like a classic film. Objectively, it’s the “best” but not the one I revisit the most. Nevertheless, it represents the biggest shifts in both her music and her personal life. The Roof and Baby Doll are pure sex (she rhymes Moet with liberated!) and

These are the same people who consistently conflate “calling out racism” with “being racist against white people.”

Our country has moved so far to the right that people who openly call themselves “conservatives” are basically authoritarians. It isn’t about consistency in the law, it’s about using your power to silence people you don’t like.

So it doesn’t matter how professional you, how educated you may be, if you’re conservative (the “stick to sports” crowd) you still misunderstood the first amendment? (which is ironic)

I am not a Mariah fan. The past ten or so years she’s devolved into a spoiled drunken troll.

... but Honey from this album will forever be in my playlist.

It doesn’t seem as though you comprehended this story correctly.

What the fuck is wrong with this teacher! Like seriously who the fuck does something like this?

I was awed by her talent if underwhelmed by her material UNTIL I heard “Breakdown”. That, for me, remains a great song in that she challenged what a pop singer could do at that time with it, both as a concept and vocally. She also became the de facto blueprint for what female pop singers would do in future,

I would estimate that fewer than a third of all the Risk games I have ever begun have made it as far as the part where people finish setting up their pieces and actually begin to make moves.

Risk should be #1, otherwise this is a solid list. I do understand that it can be prohibitively long, which may be part of why it’s not in the top spot, but it really is a phenomenal game.

The Moth Joke is my favorite bit of comedy of all time. It’s the platonic ideal of comedy in my eyes.

Norm is the best. He’s wrong about not being anti-comedy, though. His moth joke is about the telling of jokes, really. No different then “why did the chicken cross the road?” Just at a much higher level. It’s also one of the best jokes ever told.

I don’t know what it says about me that I didn’t find this episode hard to watch at all*. Quite the opposite, I was elated the whole time, I got giddy every time we zoomed into Bojack’s inner monologue, and I sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction with Bojack’s final lie to Hollyhock at the end. Favorite episode of the

BoJack: All I can think about is every shitty thing I’ve ever done and I think, “I don’t deserve that kind of love”

This is where my initial binge session stopped. For a good day or so.

Completely agree with you while there are episodes that left me much more emotional or stunned at what has happened, mild spoiler but episode 11 could very well be the most devastating this show has produced, this is the episode I just connected with most because of how real and accurate it felt to have depression.

It’s strange how you can be waiting for something and not know you’re waiting on it. Sitting and watching this with my girlfriend, she turned to me and asked if this is what it was like for me all the time. It was such a weird question, because I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for such a long time that it