
If you use your fandom as an excuse to attack people you’ve never met and who did nothing to you, you’re not a good person. And that goes especially for anyone who criticizes what I like. You’re all assholes and I hope you die.

Based on Palin’s background, are we sure she wasn’t saying “Paul Ryan and his elk?

A woman gave birth to a burrito? Donaldo we need to tear down that wall you're building pronto!

That bottom burrito looks so good.

So Jesus hung out with tax collectors, lepers and prostitutes, but doesn’t want this guy to help a woman with a Berrnie Sanders bumper sticker?

That’s the kind of behavior I’d expect from the kind of monstor who eats salad without cheese

I would say it’s cool if you think YOUR behavior should change when YOU get pregnant. I’d say it’s less cool if you think MY behavior should change when I get pregnant.


thats not my mom.

It’s an interesting blog. Basically, a gay guy who is a fantasy newbie reads through Discworld in publishing order, one 40 page or so section at a time and reviews it. It’s fun watching someone discover the humor and the puns and the convoluted weirdness for the first time, but his insights into some of the sexist and

*fans self* so like... You wanna get a malt with me?

panties dropped

I mean, I’ve read every Terry Pratchett book like... at least a dozen times.


If I were to ever get married I would want it to be to this man. Or someone exactly like him. READING A BOOKS YOUVE READ 8 TIMES ALREADY. God. My heart be still.

Hi Dan—

Another reason women are better at these essays: we fucking write one every time we send a work email, only to get a one-liner back or just an “ok.” So many manfeels to navigate!

Ugh, I hate her show. I think she reminds my of a late great aunt who was always on a mission to tell you how horrible you are. Watching her badger people is mentally exhausting for me.

I don’t want the attorney for the country to have to play to the cameras when arguing cases that impact actual rights. Sorry no- transcripts are fine.

I’m actually somewhat on the Supreme Court’s side in this one. I just... kinda get the argument that the American people can’t be trusted with that kinda access. And since audio and transcripts of all arguments are posted online the same day, adding video just seems like... I dunno, an invitation for even worse Cable