
Corona is shit. The only thing dumber than drinking Corona is paying more for Corona when some other, inevitably better, beer is available.

Why is Meghan McCain?

I think the entire control Album. That was just great production by Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis.

Donald Trump loves kids. He’s going to be so good for kids. He’s got the best kids. and lots of them. And one in particular he wants to fuck. Sad!

“Both, like Hepburn’s famous incarnation of Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady, have mastered the art of transformation, from head to toe.

Yes. But where does the comparison come from? LN doesn’t seem to have gone through a major transformation. I think she’s been chic and cutting edge since her first appearance?

I have a feeling Vogue thought they were being really awesome, comparing Lupita to Audrey.


In case you’re curious, here’s the map. It’s crazy big! Biggest in the USA by far, both geographically and by population, where it’s about four times larger than the nearest competitor in both categories.

There are two extremely common names among Navajo, and that’s one of them. It’s like Park among Koreans.

I’ll laugh my ass off if at the RNC, Trump’s acceptance speech is “it’s all yours, Hillary” and then he walks off the stage, out of the hall, and into the sunset as the greatest troll of all time.

She did the Arab Spring? Is that like doing the Nae Nae?

The over-prescription of opioids

I agree. I am 41 and had 10 back surgeries and suffer from dibilitating pain every moment of every day without pain medication and physical therapy. I am almost certain he was simply in pain and BC he had used a certain med for so long his body built a tolerance to it. That then turns into a need to increase dosage.

NPR had a segment on opioid addiction the other day, and Fentanyl is apparently killing a lot of people. Even a small mistake in dosage can be life-threatening and people can easily OD. I wonder if this could be the case?

I vote we permanently replace Dr Drew with Jeff Goldblum.


Two weeks from today, if I stay out of trouble, I’ll have fourteen years free from my addiction. Last night, I had a “using” dream that upset me to the core today. Thankfully, I have a phone list of friends in recovery, and I was able to call and talk my way through it today.