
Re: Headlights. You just know those are a parts bin special from somewhere else, a la Alero headlights on UPS trucks. Almost looks like a Jetta assembly, maybe?

They’ve taken all the factories down. And they’ve taken all the coal from the ground. What else would you expect, if you’re living here in Allentown?

Nothing specifically personal, but I am very uncomfortable with a Mormon winning this donnybrook on Memorial Day. And before you @ me, my great-great-great-great grandfather got a pretty nasty splinter while he was waiting around for a battle to happen in the Mormon War.

Browns: the memento mori Cleveland needs in 2016

How do you think we Indians fans felt? How many times did we have RISP at third, with those innings of either first and third or that one bases-loaded inning? And to see our best emerging player Lindor get picked off during one of those first/thirds and then DP to end the bases loaded situation?

I haven’t seen the Seminoles massacred by someone name Jackson since good Ol’ Hickory did it in the 1820's