
baseball etiquette is to get paid millions of dollars to do lots of cool shit, but you can’t look happy about any of it and you have to pretend everything you do is no big deal. You can’t draw attention to yourself, and that includes having a trot that’s too fast or too slow.

He’s in the clear since it wasn’t a no-doubter, he came out of the box fast like he should have in case it stayed in then then just kinda kept going. Bumgarner probably woulda tackled him though

The Division endgame got boring really fast. I’m bored of Destiny too, but that took about a year.

I went back to Diablo 3 so I’m going to wait! But Dark Souls 3 and DOOM are gonna be must-buys. The Division and Destiny are both boring now. They both have endgames with nothing to really do, except replay the same stuff I did as I was leveling (except for raids in Destiny, but they shot themselves in the foot by

In a month, 75% of stadiums will be ghost towns so MLB games won’t be so bad.