
@Mattz: Good to know. I suppose if the printer's using regular old OBEX then the app could act as a generic bluetooth file transfer utility, which I doubt Apple would accept.

"By bluetooth to phones" presumably means standard OBEX, which most bluetooth-packing dumbphones and Symbian or WinMo devices should be able to manage. Neither Android 1.X nor the current version iOS has an OBEX profile as far as I know, which explains the app. I assume an iOS app will be available in the future.

It bends, but does it blend? A linguistic mystery for our time.

Y'know, I'm now 100% that it's actually just the Flipout.

This looks rather a lot like:

Great pricing and specifications at the moment, but if it's really January before we see them, they'll be run down by the refreshed iPad. It's a real shame that these delays are going to ruin what could've been the definitive non-Apple tablet.

"How to Tell Us That We Screwed Up"? Holy crap, do I need to read that FAQ. I think I've fully optimised being a dick about it on blogs.

If anyone's wondering where they've seen this before:

Are you sure about the calculator part? It's very subtle.

I sometimes think Apple designs its products specifically to launch effusive praise to acquaintances. I mean, I'm not Apple fantatic, but have you seen the screen on this fucking thing? Jesus.

@anuran001: Consumer devices, anuran. Obviously nobody's going to do a $30 quadrupole mass spectrometer.

"Most advanced eBook reader" is starting to read like "most advanced can opener". Single-function devices have to be reliable, easy to use, and above all else cheap. Amazon's on the right track here.

That last picture. The power computer, relegated to a mug holder. Been there. I'm about to sell my old gaming desktop and my wife's not quite sure what she'll set her drinks and hairbands and notebooks on when it's gone.

Funnily enough, PCMag called bullshit on Apple's Droid X death grip video because they didn't do anything to the top antenna. In PCMag's own tests, you had to cover both antennas to get attenuation.

What's a "small amount of multi-tasking", anyway? Symbian multi-tasks the same way your PC or Mac does, applications continue running at full tilt for as long as they're open. Android uses a different system more akin to the iPhone, but with a larger selection of background tasks.

@theweakend: They're based on the current Nseries, Xseries, and Cseries design language, respectively.

FYI, here are the options they had:

By "unlimited multi-tasking" presumably they mean Symbian and Meego's Windows-style multi-tasking, which they've contrasted to Android's "freeze the app and let it run a background process" approach.

Oh my God why would you even post up a picture like that. I'm never going to be able to sleep again.

This is a total affront to our intelligence. I'm sickened that HTC think they can get away with a con like this. There is absolutely no way that a Starfury would ever visit Coruscant, and that specific model is not capable of atmospheric flight.