
It was up to 1M units last week:

Bear in mind, this is a console that chimes when you press the eject or power button. Those Halo sound effects might be a pretty prominent part of your experience with the machine. ;)

I think it's the IPS part that (partially) restricts Apple to LG. They seem to be one of the few manufacturers putting IPS panels out in any volume. They actually had a (reportedly pretty good) budget LCD carrying the panel for a few months, until they switched to plain old TN.

Sam Spratt, you have truly raised the bar.

I assume standard contest rules apply? You're not going to Fedex my pizza across the Atlantic, right?

There's a couple of (buggy, battery-killing) active wallpapers which will do the same out there too. :)

@Yeah!: I think it's reasonable to say that the Meego Nseries handsets will be "next-generation", while the existing Symbian line rolls down to the more consumer-oriented ranges. Although arguing that only the Meego handsets are next-gen would make this a tautology.

The issue with audiophilia isn't the desire for great audio, but the associated delusion that one is being provided great audio by exorbitantly priced equipment operating on principles which are misunderstood or outright nonsensical.

I would've thought that the last thing you'd want for a text entry program was a sans-serif font. They look nice and are wonderful for short copy but you lose a lot of readability.

This is clearly bullshit.

Well, that's certainly a pithy slogan.

Recall that the aluminium iPhone needed a plastic window to allow radio reception to escape: aluminium is a very effective barrier to radio waves.

@TheAlmeida: I think there's a distinction between finding a significant creative professional and making them your brand ambassador and consultant, and making them your company's creative director as Polaroid claim to have done. Look up the title: it has some rather grand implications for Lady Gaga's nominal role in

N9 is not this device's name. The unit they've got is designated as C0 (Nokia's standard prototype designation these days) and the onboard software indicates it's an N00 (their old prototype designation for Nseries). Negri is speculating that it's the N9 but it could just as easily be an N8-xx variant.

Isn't that famed TV personality and physics guru Prof. Brian Cox in the back right hand corner?

@Blitzgrilo: He's filed a federal lawsuit against Electronic Arts, with representation by one of the lawfirms that took on Vioxx.

iPhone 4 reception comments in three, two, one...

Isn't that the existing Earth View? Or Google Earth itself for that matter?