
Quite disappointing. It’s because of this man that I fully understood what COVID-19 would ultimately become way back in Jan. 2020. He was, in my opinion the best science reporter in the business. At any rate, if this is all true then the correct decision was made. 

This gets all the stars. 

I’m sorry but I can’t with the NFL and it’s players. They had a chance to make a statement to the world back in 2017 after agent orange had the audacity to call them son’s of bitches. There should have been no football that week, period. But, if there is no unity there can be no real change. So, they can kneel all

I’ll say this once and once only. I don’t want to see another negative story about Joe Biden until Nov. 4th. I don’t care if he walks around slapping babies. STOP IT! We all know he’s not our 1st, 2nd, 3rd or even 4th choice but regardless of his diet pepsi racism, he’s not even close to the dumpster fire 4 more years

Man, I’m a lifelong Georgia resident. I graduated from Georgia State University, I work in Atlanta for the state of Georgia. I’ve lived in metro Atlanta for the last 25 years. I love Atlanta. Georgia is a conservative state, of course, but that has always been offset by the city of Atlanta and it’s progressive black po

Beyonce? Can someone please explain why Beyonce is on this list? Did I miss something?

I love the effect, but then again, I realize the I'm in the extreme minority.