
Excellent. Horrible. I don’t know if I should clap or slap. Ah, hell, I’ll see you there.

Only the loose change. I keep the bills in those nifty paper bands. I always get weird looks when I ask a cashier if they can break a $100 stack of singles...

“Acme” I believe was the brand name.

No, buttered popcorn-flavored Jelly Bellies. They’re delicious.

It IS kinda weird, in a way, particularly considering how so many political/social groups seem to absolutely worship at the altar of “OMG BABIIEEEESSSS.” Thennnnnn why aren’t you doing more to ensure their welfare beyond making sure they get born, even when unwanted?

To do the science on this though, we would have to study elephants in elephant houses with windows. It is unfair when the window isn’t an option.

doesn’t everyone carry their money around in a canvas bag with a dollar sign on it?

Anything tasty will do. My sister did a little box of four assorted chocolates from a local chocolate shop. Her guests loved her.

Cunning linguists are hawt.

duh, they write “TNT” not “BOMB”

When I think of bath salts, I think of the guy who ate the other guy’s face off while on bath salts. #bestweddingever

I think TSA would have a problem with that too.

The TSA does realize that terrorists don’t write “BOMB” on their explosives, right?

Never. Because she didn’t make any room for him on that damn piece of wood.

Revolutionary Road brought this gif into my life, if nothing else.

I don’t want to interpret that as a specific slam against Jennifer Lopez, who in fact is not a talented singer or actress but is an outrageously talented performer and someone who seems to work damn hard in life to forge a career for herself. Good for her.

Still campaigning for that real life fanfiction, two decades later.

I ship them so hard always and forever.

I’m so disappointed that he’s turned out to be such a fucking clueless douche.I liked him so much.

WHEN will Kate Winslet and Leo DiCaprio realize that their relationships don’t work out because they just need to get together, already