
My husband is Italian American and from New Jersey, so you can imagine the kinds of stupid jokes he hears. It's just annoying and stupid. He doesn't interpret is as prejudice. It's just lame humor.

My parents told me the double-S in the KISS logo was a secret tribute to the Nazi SS. Which makes sense given that Paul Stanley & Gene Simmons *ARE JEWISH*.

Wait aren't you supposed to blame the chipmunk for being on the road and provoking you with its small furry-ness.

I was so sad when I found out he was married. But there's a funny story about how he started dating his wife. He sent out a group email inviting folks to come see a movie, but then emailed everyone else saying 'Don't come!' Brilliant strategy.

Seriously. Plus you toss any chance at a dinner dance/fancy dress/photo shoot/chance to show off at a young teen, I challenge you to find what they *wouldn't* promise for it.

It's not just you. Just thinking of posing with my own dad this way is skeeving me out.

Maybe it's just me, but all I can see are child brides in their wedding portraits. Those poses are super creepy and couple-y. Not how I looked when I posed with my dad at my wedding, or any pictures. Ergh.

I like John Green. Yeah, I get that TFiOS wasn't perfect, and that his math skills were a little off there. But I still like prominent nerds who don't use their fame to exclude others, but who tries to spread the love. And I like that he seems joyful about a life of the mind, and that he loves his brother — and will

Oprah's Book Club Girls.

5'2 and 103 lbs. you can carry me in a baby bjorn.

Sorry, I have to go build a snowman with my sister.

Now playing

I kind of wish that she turned him down. Only because it probably would have gone like this:

If 5'7 is petite, I must be Thumbelina! LOL.

LOL. As if other women are never enforcing rules of the patriarchy.

Yeah, for when you gotta find that Manic Pixie Fuck Buddy. That's the dream: a one night stand who interrupts sex to say, "Let's dress up as pirates and go on a scavenger hunt!"

The Fault in Our Stars is being marketed as the saddest film of all time when in fact the book is laugh-out-loud funny for about three quarters of the story, and it only turns devastating in the last quarter. But of course everyone will come prepared and as a consequence will be unmoved by the devastation that is the

That book. It was the best of both my preteen fiction worlds: Christopher Pike meets Lurlene McDaniel.

"but he was really perfect in the moments when he didn't bullshit and make everything a gesture or a metaphor."

The entire book was a deconstruction of Lurlene McDaniel/Nicholas Sparks-esque fiction that was intended to point out the absurdity of it, so if what you got out of it was "cancer kids tragically falling in love," then you missed the point. There are plenty of legitimate complaints you could make about the book, but

Augustus is kind of intentionally a Manic Pixie Dream Boy. While not the major theme of the novel, John Green has stated that he deliberately played with gender tropes (MPDB and having Hazel's father be the crier).