
as a girl I had a WHOLE phase of wanting to learn everything I could about the Amish. Then I started to study/practice some more of my own Jewish roots. I’m less observant now, but I am ALWAYS easily sucked into a good book/tv show on an obscure, secretive, religious group. FLDS? Polygamy in “modern” mormons?

“off the derech” (derech = path in hebrew). Many believers consider leaving the path, or lessening ones observance of ritual, to be an indicator that someone is broken/lesser/mentally ill etc. Their lack of commitment may cause the community to be cold towards them to try to shame them into further practice. It

I also recommend “I am Forbidden” really really interesting read on the community.

not just that, but ALL the decor is WRONG. they didnt have the iconic weird thermametor in by the front door, they had all the set cues wrong, the olsens were way too old to be the olsens, they didn’t get into Jodie’s meth habit, they totally ignored Candace Cameron’s anorexia, and they ended on the sugar sweet note

Like... why are the olsen twin girls SO much older than the twins ever were early on?

There are so many things wrong with this whole show... and I can not turn away

Is anybody else completely bothered by the fact that the house details are ALL Wrong.

you can not possibly get another stamos... he’s just... special.


I think that the problem is some of the people who are making these decisions come from a school of thought that man is inherently good, and when we teach “sin” we impart the idea. Some people come from the school of thought that like Rousseau we think, therefore we are. Those who are in the second group favor arming

I THINK they meant.... 100% of adopted kids have been adopted. That’s the only way to make that math work.

short lived sublet in that area led to me actually doing that... shoving people, yelling. I was a horrible human for 3 months. Hot, air conditionless. Sticky. NYC. Times Square. months. I wanted to DIE.

Because I noticed that every single time sororities are mentioned someone shits on white/blonde/thin girls I like thinly veiled racism? Sorry?! WHAT?!

No... I am not shitting you, sugar. (seriously? eye roll) Every single time there is ANYTHING about Greek life is on this website, it immediately is like someone needed to tear apart everything that comes with being white, conventionally pretty, or whatever else is associated with these groups.

I got to chose my friends all by myself.

I know not everyone loves kids...but ew...

Furthermore, I was initially replying to the top of the thread:

Thank you! I’m excited to read this and learn more (despite what any other commentor wants to say about me. I’m not trying to silence WOC, I’m asking WOC to let me know what stories they want heard!!)

Honey, I’m not lazy or stupid. Please, don’t insult me. I’m legitimately trying to ask a question so I can have an intelligent conversation.

I don’t mean it to rely upon others, I have done my fair share of reading on race, class, and privilege in American society. I just hate when its like “fuck all white people” and I get that the people in power are white, but when the conversation becomes completely divisive, I think potentially allies to an important