Socially Awkward Stingray

Lately whenever I see anything vaguely post-apocalyptic, I chuckle at how any scenario that absolutely required getting my 3 year old to stay focused and follow any sort of instructions would result in our deaths within about 5 fucking seconds.

Wow, you got here fast. I was wondering when the Offended Ones would show up. Someone who is not visually impaired, who suddenly must become blindfolded, would definitely act in this manner. Seeing that her character is not blind, and the circumstances of the situation don’t warrant time to have orientation mobility

Went to middle school in central Florida. Can confirm that living there makes someone think this is a solid life choice.

Was it the snoring, because it was probably the snoring.

Excellent gif selection. A+

That’s not a correction. “Some” is the obvious and expected qualifier to that statement. Some Christians all over the country. Some men are trash. Some white people are racist.

Why would anyone spend $169 on a pair of boots you’ll probably only wear once or twice? You could easily make a knockoff version of those boots for a fraction of the price by getting a cheap pair of black boots and going to Michaels. 

Just grudges, man. Grudges pack small. 

He seems super nostalgic about high school, like his emotional development stopped around his freshman year.

BRB, gotta buy this. The world is a trash fire and I just got dumped and while I am ALL ABOUT the spooky content, Christmas brings me an excess of joy and I need this. I’m going to play this album while beginning to draft my shopping list for Christmas. 

You couldn’t make up a name like that & have people believe it. I know because I’ve tried...

Chad Ludington” is just too perfect a name for this story. 

Holy SHIT why?

this is really bothering me. his crying, and his equating beer with good buddy fun times, no big deal. and blaming pop culture for their yearbook. this is gross. and i sure as hell hope he doesn’t get appointed.

He’s SUPER good at being told “no,” too.  This much is clear.

Compelling evidence that he’s definitely not a belligerent drunk amirite?

something something shame something something modesty!!!!

Holy sh*t. That girl’s entire life is a case of #whyIdidntreport. She DID pretty much everyone....for years....and no one did a damn thing.

Kudos to literally every single person this guy meets who doesn't tell him "Shave that garbage off your face" because it is hi-larious to look at.