
A-fucking-men. Now I’ll cop to having a few idiotic beliefs about kids before I had one myself. Now that I do, I can’t believe how dismissive people are of them.

Needs more stars. The shithole is us.

Adam Rippon is so likable it physically hurts me.



Your comment needs more stars.

God, do you ever hit the nail on the head. Can you actually imagine in a real and practical way what the country would be like to live in if all of their horrible wet-dream fantasies came to fruition? But in actuality, none of these short-sighted selfish idiots can see that far.

I was going to type something really eloquent but then the rage took over and my hands are shaking.

Is it weird that when I read this headline, you were the first person I thought of? Ha!

As an attorney who works on compliance/corporate social responsibility issues, I was shocked when I heard about this on NPR. Also pleased. Also planned to buy some kind of sporting good there soon. I’m sure there’s something we need...

I don’t want to watch this but feel compelled. Here we go...

I worked at a call center briefly before I started law school. I’m amazed at how not terrible it was having heard so many stories to the contrary.

Current feel:

God, this is great.

You bring up a good point that hearkens back to an oft-used argument against gun control that I’ve seen used many, many times: “Cars kill way more people are we aren’t going to ban cars.” Beyond how ridiculous this argument really is at heart, the message back is, “Right. So let’s regulate guns the way we regulate

Ugh just take your star

Oh my GOD.

Yes! Mr. Social and I saw it Saturday afternoon and I was struck by how much more than just a “superhero” movie it was. The ladies stole the show for me.

I’ll admit I LOL’ed.