
When I talk to people, it is really striking how many people struggle with the same thing and just don’t feel comfortable talking about it! I’m glad you’re doing the same thing!

Ugh that’s terrifying. The worst experience I ever had in that regard was being followed out of a bar by a (presumably drunk?) guy who trailed behind my roommate and I for several blocks yelling inappropriate things at us. I was a little drunk too and I wanted to yell back at the guy and confront him but my

I had prenatal and postpartum depression. Still dealing with postpartum depression.

Those fucking teachers are in a shit load of trouble.

I take your point, but humbly disagree:

My sister, who’s a hospice nurse, has told me that she’s continually amazed by how, well, shocked people are to hear that anyone has had the gall to die. We really are divorced from the whole process.

When I go I hope I go like my grandfather, quietly in his sleep, not screaming like the passengers in his car.

The thing is, those of us old enough to be in the demographic neighborhood of these folks, our memories of them are of when they were young and sexy. It’s such a shock when this guy:

By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Worvan, you shall be avenged.

Not to mention they have yet to show me they are “pro-life” in any way. They support the death penalty, complete deregulation of gun control, doing away with WIC/Head Start/the Department of Education/low cost birth control/affordable healthcare/sex ed in schools/lower cost higher education. Pretty much anything that

There’s no doubt that Scalia has a fine legal mind

Hahahaha. These same asshole shame mothers for using food stamps. They say that the kids can starve because if they keep feeding them it will encourage handouts and laziness.

They will sail into the West, they’re saga in this Age of the Earth having been fulfilled.

YES. I want to type, “No, you are just a common, garden-variety, mediocre bitch, so just knock it off.”

Go forth and be fruitful, my brethren.

He will always be Joker from Mass Effect to me.

To be fair, he did try to give her the D, it just got intercepted and taken back for 6.

I don’t give two shits about whether or not Trump is serious. It’s more terrifying to see a large number of American voters saying “that’s a good idea!” It appears that many Americans, my parents included, support literal fascism.

Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Your wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, the tempest-tost to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again and again and again, the Republican party acts like it’s the voice of firm adult reason, when really, it’s the voice of ignorant xenophobic cowards who would gladly give up any of our amendments (except the ones that say they can have Jesus and guns) in order for even an iota