
YES. Mine are red. I once had an older lady attorney criticize a presentation I made (in an Inn of Court setting) because I moved around too much and hypothesized that maybe I wasn't comfortable because of the heels I was wearing. How about fuck you, I like to move when I speak?

I really sympathize with the landlord here. I used to live next to self-entitled twenty-something fucksticks like this - Mommy and Daddy footing their rent bill. It took months of dealing with the landlord and calling the cops to shut them down (they'd party til 3 or 4 am almost every night), because if you ever

Yes, yes, a thousand times YES. Can't afford your kid's education? THEN DON'T PAY FOR IT. My parents told me in no uncertain terms that with me having 2 other siblings behind me, there was no way they could afford to send me to college. If I wanted to get into a good school, I would have to earn it. Having been