
Katie Holmes said something similar when she started dating Tom Cruise. I’m paraphrasing but it was something like, “I can practice Catholicism and Scientology at the same time. Both religions are welcoming!”

Somehow, Jada Pinkett-Smith’s statement is actually more insufferable. She’s trying on religions to seem worldly and open/accepting.

Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.

Not as ridiculous as “urrrrrbs” for a word that begins with a fucking aitch.

You’re right, but you forgot to add that women are more sympathetic to men too. Just look at all of those women who voted for ‘grab em by the pussy’ Trump without batting an eye. Look at the women dancing to R Kelly’s music.

Fuck Matt Lauer. His kid-glove handling and fawning over Trump during the election was Jimmy Fallon dead squirrel ruffling times 1000. Elitist bro Matt can get in his daily work commute helicopter and fly away forever. Bring back Katie Couric.

I will go way out on a limb and say Matt Lauer sucks, boys and girls. He sucks rotten balls.

Speaking of terrible men and Matt Lauer, I’m reading What Happened and reading Hillary’s account of Lauer’s terrible job in moderating the “Commander in Chief” forum makes my blood boil all over again.

I think the amount of messed up people in entertainment is about the same as any other industry, just as there are probably a similar amount of people people not in entertainment or even front facing jobs that are ridiculously attractive. The people in entertainment probably just have more enablers surrounding them

Other way ‘round, I think. It’s disproportionately the broken-brained, BPD narcissists who seek the showbiz life. [To be sure, by no means all. There are still plenty of decent folk on your TV machine.]

After Reese got married to her current husband, she kept showing up in public with injuries and crazy stories to explain them. Made me wonder about Mr. Reese 2.0.

Pretty sure they are the same as the rest of us. If they abuse a spouse there is a better chance of meaningful recourse, because they likely have money.

That and people of low socioeconomic status have it heavily ingrained in them to follow rules and are much less likely to break laws.

I think the answer is “Yes, plus money.” I fear most of us are just one million dollars away from our own personal Thunderdome. Now, imagine having tens of millions of dollars, and a small cadre of people constantly telling you how awesome and special you are.

Lot of violence against women goes unnoticed because it’s not a famous name on the police log.

From what I’ve seen, a lot of entertainers would only have had their 15 minutes of fame on Cops if they hadn’t made it in show business. A good many of them are deplorables in disguise. They’re as messed up as ordinary messed up people are but we’re all witness to their meltdowns instead of it just being dealt with by

I think it’s mostly that we pay attention to them. But, as someone who has tangentially worked in the industry, I think there’s a somewhat higher percentage overall of things like bipolar disorder, depression, etc. not that I have any real stats to back this up. I say this as someone whose father is a non-famous

He did indeed. And made no secret of the fact that it was “her fault” because her star had gotten bigger than his. He’s a POS.

My old dance teacher’s friend had, like, grown up with Reese Witherspoon or something and they were (are?) very close.

This checks out with every story about his temper and arrogance, doesn’t it? Fuck you, Ryan.