
Look, we’re all adults here, and I hate to burst your bubble, but advanced education more frequently than not has more to do with access to significant funds and social standing (whether your parents attended college or graduate school, your race, where you live, etc.)

I can attest that her expression is a forced smile. His looks real. The raised eyebrows and tension in the forehead give it away. People who genuinely smile have smooth foreheads and crows feet.

He has the brain of the ratlike creature that a child mistook for a dog in the “Scary Stories”.

Her face was struggling to mask her contempt. I get on one level that she has to be polite to his face so I don’t hold it against her. It’s like Obama showing basic civility and decency. It doesn’t mean she actually enjoys him or respects him.

But wouldn’t it be super cool to try something new and different? Like that angry yelling man who has unfathomable wealth and priviledge. He’s saying some shitty stuff but surely he has a good heart. Let’s give him a shot!

Trump is the epitome of “born on third, thinks he hit a triple”. He might think he’s some type of brilliant negotiator, but really when people sit down to do business with him, they’re just politely enduring his word vomit until the moment their lawyers have their hands on the contacts and can review/revise/sign off.

I feel like maybe someone used the term “beat off” and the kid took the term literally and mushed it together with the other sex info he had?

Spicer is his distraction/whipping boy. When his cheetoniss’ peabrain gets flummoxed from blindly signing whatever Pence hands him and Ivanka’s husband is up all three stairs trumpuss is too fat to climb, Spicer trots over and gets a manic earful about what to yell about. Then trumpkins watches Spicer deliver his


I was thinking the same thing.

His BB character was layered with terrifying calmness that Walt misjudged. He seemed like an affable patsy until BOOM he reveals himself as a thoughtful, cunning sociopath.

Meeeeeth Damon

It doesn’t. This poster is lying.

7jxmp is lying. There is no reason for a gymnast to receive intravaginal anything in relation to the sport.

The person claiming that gymnasts lose bladder control during tumbling is lying.

WTF, absolutely not. You are a liar.

You’re relentlessly intelligent and I thank you.

I mean... her being a criminal is a crucial point to this story, no?

I mean, not even joking, maybe show her the episode of OITNB where they talk about the difference between the urethra “pee hole” and vagina. And maybe use it as a teachable moment that the wisdom of the crowd is not necessarily correct, then steer her in the direction of medically accurate sex information (have her

My son is fascinated with nail polish and I happily paint his toes for him whenever I’m doing my own nails. (I’d do his nails if he could let them dry but he won’t hold still long enough.) The worst comments he receives at pools and splash pads are from little girls. They flounce over and demand to know his gender