Social Justice Praetoriyn

Sincerely disagree. Don't you know that Vice magazine called Caitlyn Jenner's coming out on a reality TV program the - quote - "moon landing for the millenial generation?"

In addition to the many, many, many #problematic aspects to this show (ably repeated ad infinitum on a weekly basis by our reviewer), I actually find the entire premise to be unrealistic as well.

Now of course this has become one of my favorite shows this year due to its de facto switch to a stance of having two female leads #leanin (not "of color," granted, but we have time to work on that prior to a potential season 3 #amcsponsorswillhear)

YES! YES! A "gay panic" scene automatically = #problematic. Also the depiction of Mexican-American gangbangers as gangbangers as I think on it. #stereotypeshurt.

This show is so "German." I don't mean that in a bad way, as that would be an instance of me indulging in #culturalstereotyping. Which would of course be #problematic.

Agreed as to the Brink. Plus there is the matter of my utter and complete visceral dislike of Jack Black.

This show bores the shit out of me. But then I envision coming to the AV Club and hearing some whiny Van der Werff clone spout the party line about "insufficiently feminist perspective," "objectification of women," etc and it actually makes me rather like the show more.

To be fair, Josh Hamilton would probably get photographed doing this.