
Men make more money because they have better jobs in general, period. The claim that women are paid less for the SAME jobs has been verifiably shown to be bullshit. So stop fucking whining and quit wasting your college degrees on Gender Studies, Critical Race Theory or whatever alleviates your white feminist guilt and

The fact that feminists hold musicians up as role models shows how shallow they are.

ROFL, if any white musician did this Jezebel would be calling them a baby. Nicki Minaj is a fake-ass drama queen with a big mouth, period. She actually has the nerve to complain about plastic surgery in regards to people on instagram? LOL. Are you kidding me? She has ass implants and everyone knows it.

Transgender women are being murdered at a historic rate—by black youth. A fact that no one wants to talk about, because they’d rather pretend that drunken Republican frat boys are out there killing transgenders.

Transgender rights, the most important issue of the next presidential election. Thank God progressives have America’s priorities in mind.

Yeah, sorry, not to burst your bubble, but this story is a perfect example of how the Left writes false narratives to justify their juvenile victimhood complexes.

You’re right, this story is “bullshit”. The plaintiff is making it up, because that’s what liberal activists do, because they know that idiots like you will swallow everything they say as gospel. Any black guy in this country can show up drunk to work tomorrow and know that if he gets fired that he can just make up a

It’s ridiculous that we waste money on HIV research. That money should be spent on cancer. The difference between cancer and HIV is that the spread of HIV is due to stupidity, and cancer is genetic.

Hahaha, I love how quoting Ta-Nehisi Coates is the big thing for white liberals now to prove that they’re the white liberals “who get it”. Ta-Nehisi Coates is now officially every white liberals one black friend.

Maybe if feminists got degrees in the STEM fields instead of taking the easy road with post-colonial literature and gender studies?

Alternative headline: Kara Brown (and other angry black women) complains about Iggy Azalea. White girl continues to make bank.

More white feminist racism. Chris Brown is almost a walking talking dog whistle for white feminists to vent their racism. A black guy who physically abused a strong black woman. White feminists constantly obsess over him and attack everything that he does or doesn’t do so they don’t have to spend time talking about

It’s also said that there are “30 million gay/lesbians” in America. That, too, is bullshit.